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CJP-his stance on a couple of Issues, help me out :)

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Peace be upon you brothers and sisters!
[note : this is my first post, and i am not sure if if this is the correct section as i could not find anything else ]
So chief justice of pakistan, Muhammad Iftikhar Chaudry, can you guys please give me a brief background on him, or a detailed one, if possible, and his stance on the situation in balochistan, along with the stance on reconsidering the foreign policy of Pakistan, his political affiliations and such, thank you

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18th Incumbent CJ of Pakistan and with MOP (medal of peace) ..nominated by g.pervaiz Musharraf before his resignation.
Originated from Quetta..Baluchistan.
Sindhi uni graduate and advocated in the high court Of Sindh (1976) and rose to the supreme court Alongside as judge in Baluchistan court of justice...validator of the LFO ordinance
President Musharraf approved the appointment of Chaudhry as chief justice, and refused to resign despite the pressure exerted by Musharraf, therefore leading to his suspension on 3 November 2007. The news of his suspension sparked the greater unrest, civil opinion, distressful economical situation, and the authoritarian actions decided the departure of Musharraf as chief of army staff in 2007, and ousted from the country in 2009. Released by the orders of Prime minister Yousaf Raza Gillani, the ban of restoration remain intact by the upcoming president Asif Zardari who also faced a massive public resentment and demonstration against him in entire country. Chaudhry was reinstated among with several other senior justices and judges.
Responsible for the privitasirion of the pak steel mills
He took up the case of the missing persons in Baluchistan and is solely responsible for Ruling NRO as a failure.
He dismissed yousaf Gilani ..after the case of his assets hidden in the Swiss bank were discovered .

BALOCH CIVIL WAR :disappeared activists from Baluchistan province. A civil war has caught hold of Baluchistan since 1999. Hundreds of nationalist activists, including journalists and poets, have disappeared. When Human Rights Commission of Pakistan moved the Supreme Court against these disappearances, C J accepted the plea. The military regime was trying to hush up grave human rights violations (shootings, torture, and kidnappings) in Baluchistan.

I know this much...had this document stored in my laptop luckily :)
I have debated on CJ 18 ...when I debated on him..I took wekipedia's help too......if u need a fully developed stance...I might need a day to develop it..but I can
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Uummm,......I have a request
Do u have info about ZAID HAMID?
I have to debate on him soon after a month ..and I haven't vast knowledge on him except him being the part of "think tank" and his reports on how America has been juggling with the paki politics.he was also delegated by U.S.A. Before all this criticism of his "so called employer " (U.s.A) ....on a jihadi movement in swat and Afghanistan ....he was responsible for gathering pak youth to fight in the wars...and now as Americans have no use of him and shunted him away he started criticising them..and I favour him a lot
His top points :
1. Pervaiz Musharraf was "thrown out" and A.A.Zardari brought forward by U.S.A.
2. America is juggling into the paki politics for its own benefits....I.e. dominating resources...opening way to china (spying and future wars) and crumbling capacity of Pakistan (gavadar port) to become the deep sea port ( I would like to add Arab world and India have a big role in shutting it down because if it starts to operate pak's economy will rise so rapidly that within 5 years it can become richer than the Arab world and others....anyone who studies pak studies and read and pondered on the topic of transport ,trade and pak economy..he or she will know it...I am saddened by how corrupt our politicians are...:(....selling away our resources like shipping,PIA, railways and all and throwing us gradually and murderously into poverty and hopelessness)
3.generally....the media is also lavishly sold out to the USA .....that is general..I never say every media anchor is bad...

Ok..this is the only info I have
If u or any other person can expand my points or post me zahid reports...I will appreciate it a lot
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Thankyou so much, yes I'd love it if you could get me as much as you can, I am sorry I have no about zain, I ll try to get some points, no promises, thank you very much again, I am dumbstruck when it comes to my own countries political situation
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Thankyou so much, yes I'd love it if you could get me as much as you can, I am sorry I have no about zain, I ll try to get some points, no promises, thank you very much again, I am dumbstruck when it comes to my own countries political situation
Search for wekipedia for CJ ok :)
U will find a lot...I did when I searched a year ago and I memorised it and noted it down
And I was mistaken
Its zaid ...not zain :) my mistake
Anyways u r welcome sir
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Search for wekipedia for CJ ok :)
U will find a lot...I did when I searched a year ago and I memorised it and noted it down
And I was mistaken
Its zaid ...not zain :) my mistake
Anyways u r welcome sir
you are debating in?
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Uummm,......I have a request
Do u have info about ZAID HAMID?
I have to debate on him soon after a month ..and I haven't vast knowledge on him except him being the part of "think tank" and his reports on how America has been juggling with the paki politics.he was also delegated by U.S.A. Before all this criticism of his "so called employer " (U.s.A) ....on a jihadi movement in swat and Afghanistan ....he was responsible for gathering pak youth to fight in the wars...and now as Americans have no use of him and shunted him away he started criticising them..and I favour him a lot
His top points :
1. Pervaiz Musharraf was "thrown out" and A.A.Zardari brought forward by U.S.A.
2. America is juggling into the paki politics for its own benefits....I.e. dominating resources...opening way to china (spying and future wars) and crumbling capacity of Pakistan (gavadar port) to become the deep sea port ( I would like to add Arab world and India have a big role in shutting it down because if it starts to operate pak's economy will rise so rapidly that within 5 years it can become richer than the Arab world and others....anyone who studies pak studies and read and pondered on the topic of transport ,trade and pak economy..he or she will know it...I am saddened by how corrupt our politicians are...:(....selling away our resources like shipping,PIA, railways and all and throwing us gradually and murderously into poverty and hopelessness)
3.generally....the media is also lavishly sold out to the USA .....that is general..I never say every media anchor is bad...

Ok..this is the only info I have
If u or any other person can expand my points or post me zahid reports...I will appreciate it a lot
and i'd like specifics on his affiliations and stances on the situation Balochistan please, thankyou
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*I mentioned the baloch crisis in ur thread..read that part
I left out a few.."family gate scandal" !LFO,president's uniform case etc
I repeat that the court has no right to mingle with a country's politics even though CJ was forced into them
*he urged political parties to group together in times of crisis *
*Responsible for Dismissal of petition challenging Legal Framework Order (LFO) 2002
*Gave Judgement on 17th Amendment and President's Uniform Case 2005
*We all are aware about the family gate scandal on CJ (and son arslan) Dr Arsalan said he was innocent and denied all allegations leveled against him Dr Arsalan said he has no issue with his father heading the bench, adding that a judge has no relations while hearing any case.
CJ took notice after media highlighted allegations against his son, Dr. Arsalan.
Media in the last few days been rife with reports about Arsalan Iftikhar allegedly receiving millions of rupees from the Bahria Town management.