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Hi guys,
I have to give the further mathematics exam in the upcoming year. I have attacked so far pure 1,2,3 and on the way to tackle further pure 4. Also have worked my way around m1 and s1. The ride so far has been amazing. I just was looking for a book that i couldn't find anywhere, its like finding a needle in a haystack.

Btw the book is:
Further Mechanics and Probability By L Rostock S Chandler

I want to pay for the book as i know writers have worked quite hard and their efforts get wasted with piracy. The problem is I am most of the time traveling and the place where i stay for the most of the time, has a lot of good shops but none of them has this book available and i am craving for this book. I have also checked nearby libraries but no luck. I cannot avail amazon or eBay because as I am traveling most of the time. Could anybody please provide me with a pdf. I would be very grateful. I am a bostockian for life. :)

Also the books i am currently studying from are the following:

Mathematics - Mechanics and Probability L Bostock
Mathematics - The Core Course for A Level L Rostock
Core Maths for Advanced Level L Bostock

Further Pure Mathematics L Rostock
Mechanics for A-Level (Core Maths S.) L
Applied Mathematics 1
A Concise Course In Advanced Level Statistics Janet

Further Mechanics, Brain Jefferson & Tony Breadsworth
Mechanics Complete Advanced Level Mathematics
Mechanics For Advanced Level L Rostock S Chandler
Understanding Statistics, Graham Upton & Ian Cook

Are these books enough and if something is missing, do tell me.

Thanks a ton in advance. :)
MOre than enough.. :)