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Confusing Parts of the Syllabus EXPLAINED

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1. Page 13 - Know that there are other classification systems e.g. cladistics (based on RNA/ DNA sequencing)
2. Page 15 - Describe the importance of diffusion of gases and solutes and of water as a solvent (what is diffusion of solutes here?)
3. Page 16 - Describe the role of the fungus Penicillium in the production of antibiotic penicillin
4. Page 22 - Compare the role of transpiration........within plants at different seasons
5. Page 23 - What are the main blood vessels to and from the liver?
6. Page 24 - (last point in the Supplement section) changes in pH in tissues and blood?
7. Page 26 - Discuss the use of hormones in food production
8. Page 27 - What is the coordinating role of the brain in homeostasis?
9. Page 28 - Explain why antibiotics kill bacteria but not viruses

Explained below:

Ok, Just know that the binomial system isn't the only classification system out there.

You must describe importance of diffusion of gasses like diffusion of CO2 and O2 for respiration in humans or diffusion of CO2 into the leaves for photosynthesis in plants.

You must know that to produce penicillen, Mould penicillium has to be put into a fermenter, the medium has to be filled with sugar, salts and other nutrients. Penicillin will start producing when penicillum has used up most of the nutrients for growth.

Transpiration decreases in cold weather but increases in hot weather because it loses more water due to the heat. High temp causing more water to transpire to cool down the plant.

Liver has 2 blood sources, Hepatic portal vein and hepatic artery.

Changes in PH due to formation of lactic acid and increase in concentration of carbon dioxide due to respiration anaerobically producing lactic acid and carbon dioxide.

Hormones like anabolic steroids ------> Increases protein synthesis ------> Given to cattle to increase their meat yield.
Bovine somatrophine ------> Given to cattle to increase their milk yield.

Brain acts as a sensor in homeostasis, Hypothalamus is the part in the brain that acts as a control center telling organs to increase/decrease production depending on stimuli.

Antibitiocs kill bactera because they target bacterial cell wall only, viruses don't have a cell wall, Human cells don't have walls except bactera so it destroys anything with wall in the human body by binding to the enzyme responsible for formation of this cell wall and causing it's death to osmotic pressure.

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Thanks a lot, but may I know what is the only thing included in muscles and bones? Also is any part of the brain other than the hypothalamus included? And is laelling the brain included?
Thanks again, good luck