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Could someone just answer my history questions -_-

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I need complete fully explained answers real fast please according to the CIE requirements.
Q1 How Successful was the British attempts to take control of the lands in the subcontient? (14)
Q2 Why was Britian so successful in expanding its control in increasing parts of the subcontient between 1750-1850? (7)
Q3 Lack of unity and cordination was the main reason for the failure of the war of independence by 1858? (14)
Q4 Why did the Indian subcontient attract the British in the early 17th century?
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Q1) Ans: Battle of Plassy, 1757
Siraj-ud-Daula defeated and killed, Mir Jafar, Bengal went under British control --->Failure
Battle of Buxar, 1764
Joint forces of Mir Qasim, Shah Alam II and the Nawab of Oudh defeated ---->Failure
First Anglo-Maysore War, 1766
Haider Ali defended his territories ----> Success
Second Anglo-Maysore War (1779-84)
Crushing defeats to Britishh troops by Haider Ali and Tipu Sultan in a number of encounters. Indian territories expanded. ----> Prestigious success
Third Anglo-Maysore War, 1789
Tipu Sultan lost half of his territories, humiliating treaty ---->Failure
Fourth Anglo-Maysore War, 1798-99
Tipu killed by joint forces of British and the Nizam of Hyderabad ---->Failure
Anglo-Marathan Wars
The first Marathan war lasted for about 7 years (1775-82); defeats to British in some encounters, Marathas defeated in the third Anglo-Marathan war decisively in 1818 annexing their territories with the British Empire. ---->Resisted the early invasions but failed in the third war.
Anglo-Sikh Wars
Sikhs fought 2 wars against the British EIC in Punjab in 1840s and lost both. ---->Failure
War of Independence 1857
Uprising in several cities, suppressed within a few months ----->Failure
[Conclusion] Indian resistance to defend their lands was not successful due to their disunity and lack of modern military equipment.

Q2) Ans:- The British had already planned to annex lands of the subcontinent; the lands and territorries by using the EIC (East India Company) as their stronghold. Britain had recently gone through the industrial revolution *Search it up if you don't know what that was* and had advanced into much modern and lethal weaponry and technology than the Indians. Their soldiers were much more discliplined and organised (they had worked out their military startegies and formations) and could win battles by using their HEAD e.g Battle if Buxar, Battle of Plassey etc. As i just told you; the bristish already planned to annex lands......Charles Napier *search him up* is a clear example of how the British caught hold of territories like Sindh, Balochistan, and Punjab in 1809. He provoked the Amirs of Sindh to react to their rule, and so the British had an excuse to annex.

Q3) Ans: There were two major reasons behind the failure of the war. Lack of unity between the various classes of people in the Indian subcontinent and the enormous strength of the British force. There is no single reason why the war failed to fulfill its goals. The elaborated reasons are as follows.

Lack of unity- The landed aristocracy Opposed the Sepoy and some even fed information to the British regarding the Sepoy's movement. In addition to that, some Landed aristocracy helped the British by providing carts, horses and elephants. Furthermore they even formed anti Sepoy corps to resist the Sepoy s. The British acknowledged this and presented titles such as Khan Sahib to the Landed aristocracy. Seeing this the middle class also sided the British. Moreover the lower class and the peasantry remained apathetic, because, they were the ones who were affected the most by the ongoing war, so the did not want any more trouble.

Strength of the British- Despite all other problems the Sepoy s did give all their effort, however, the british were just too strong for them. Britain was one of the most wealthiest nations at that time and its troops were highly trained for skilled warfare. Moreover the availability of better armaments was another benefit for the British over the Sepoy. The British also implemented its scheme of divide and conquer, by daunting the landed aristocracy, it claimed that the uprising would spell a major threat to the social hierarchy.

Both the reasons stated above contribute equally to the, to the massive failure of the Sepoys. However. If there would be some unity between the different classes, it can be assumed that the British could possibly be defeated.

Q4) Ans: Lack of a unified political system, easy availability of cheap labour and vast areas full of untapped resources like gold, diamonds, cotton, spices and the like attracted European traders to the subcontinent in the late 16th and early 17th century.

-Hope this helped :)
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Q1) Ans: Battle of Plassy, 1757
Siraj-ud-Daula defeated and killed, Mir Jafar, Bengal went under British control --->Failure
Battle of Buxar, 1764
Joint forces of Mir Qasim, Shah Alam II and the Nawab of Oudh defeated ---->Failure
First Anglo-Maysore War, 1766
Haider Ali defended his territories ----> Success
Second Anglo-Maysore War (1779-84)
Crushing defeats to Britishh troops by Haider Ali and Tipu Sultan in a number of encounters. Indian territories expanded. ----> Prestigious success
Third Anglo-Maysore War, 1789
Tipu Sultan lost half of his territories, humiliating treaty ---->Failure
Fourth Anglo-Maysore War, 1798-99
Tipu killed by joint forces of British and the Nizam of Hyderabad ---->Failure
Anglo-Marathan Wars
The first Marathan war lasted for about 7 years (1775-82); defeats to British in some encounters, Marathas defeated in the third Anglo-Marathan war decisively in 1818 annexing their territories with the British Empire. ---->Resisted the early invasions but failed in the third war.
Anglo-Sikh Wars
Sikhs fought 2 wars against the British EIC in Punjab in 1840s and lost both. ---->Failure
War of Independence 1857
Uprising in several cities, suppressed within a few months ----->Failure
[Conclusion] Indian resistance to defend their lands was not successful due to their disunity and lack of modern military equipment.

Q2) Ans:- The British had already planned to annex lands of the subcontinent; the lands and territorries by using the EIC (East India Company) as their stronghold. Britain had recently gone through the industrial revolution *Search it up if you don't know what that was* and had advanced into much modern and lethal weaponry and technology than the Indians. Their soldiers were much more discliplined and organised (they had worked out their military startegies and formations) and could win battles by using their HEAD e.g Battle if Buxar, Battle of Plassey etc. As i just told you; the bristish already planned to annex lands......Charles Napier *search him up* is a clear example of how the British caught hold of territories like Sindh, Balochistan, and Punjab in 1809. He provoked the Amirs of Sindh to react to their rule, and so the British had an excuse to annex.

Q3) Ans: There were two major reasons behind the failure of the war. Lack of unity between the various classes of people in the Indian subcontinent and the enormous strength of the British force. There is no single reason why the war failed to fulfill its goals. The elaborated reasons are as follows.

Lack of unity- The landed aristocracy Opposed the Sepoy and some even fed information to the British regarding the Sepoy's movement. In addition to that, some Landed aristocracy helped the British by providing carts, horses and elephants. Furthermore they even formed anti Sepoy corps to resist the Sepoy s. The British acknowledged this and presented titles such as Khan Sahib to the Landed aristocracy. Seeing this the middle class also sided the British. Moreover the lower class and the peasantry remained apathetic, because, they were the ones who were affected the most by the ongoing war, so the did not want any more trouble.

Strength of the British- Despite all other problems the Sepoy s did give all their effort, however, the british were just too strong for them. Britain was one of the most wealthiest nations at that time and its troops were highly trained for skilled warfare. Moreover the availability of better armaments was another benefit for the British over the Sepoy. The British also implemented its scheme of divide and conquer, by daunting the landed aristocracy, it claimed that the uprising would spell a major threat to the social hierarchy.

Both the reasons stated above contribute equally to the, to the massive failure of the Sepoys. However. If there would be some unity between the different classes, it can be assumed that the British could possibly be defeated.

Q4) Ans: Lack of a unified political system, easy availability of cheap labour and vast areas full of untapped resources like gold, diamonds, cotton, spices and the like attracted European traders to the subcontinent in the late 16th and early 17th century.

-Hope this helped :)
Thanks For trying to be helpful ^_^