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Getting distinctions!!!

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Well as fruitful and beneficial this website has been one question has never been answered in its true essence?
How do you get distinctions?
I mean how do you get distinction,what is the secret what makes the difference?
......And i know many people who worked their a** off but could not get there????????????????????????
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u see thats the problem almost every one works hard but not everyone gets it wht is the thing that makes the difference
It all goes down to the minute details, sentence structure, proper wording, key words, for example in chemistry, there are two words, glowing splint and lighted splint for two gas tests, and choosing the proper words, and such such make adfference, u may know a lot, maybe even everything, you just didn't express it properly, not everybody who studies well, does well in the paper
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It also depends on how easy you find the subject. For example, AS Mathematics was really easy for me and I was hoping to get a distinction there. I got 75/75 in every other P1 past paper and around 47-50 in every other S1 past paper. In my actual paper my P1 went pretty much perfect but I messed up S1 a little. So I'd say I had a good shot at a distinction because I found the subject straightfoward and simple, but I know I won't get one because of said flaws in my S1 paper. I'd finish P1 papers in less than an hour. Same goes for O-level computing. The paper was incredibly easy but I just screwed up one part of a question, so I knew my chance at a distinction was gone there too.

..but you should obviously ask someone who's really smart and has distinctions. :p It seems very hard to get one when a) there's thousands of students who are capable of getting distinctions/having better papers and b) you are bound to make an error somewhere and even the tiniest error can impede you from getting a distinction.
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i got distinction in commerce top in the world .....1 advice u should have passion for that subject..u should eat sleep and even breath that subject throughout the session
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i think the way u study a subject matters the most..for example maths needs a lot of practice on paper..for physics and biology u might need to sit inna seperate room nd try to concentrate...as for getting a distinction ..there is simply no perfect recipe....studying hard might work for one ...and luck for another..however working hard ..passion..and most importantly PRAYERS ...do increase chances of getting a distinction..just treat the subject u want to get a distinction in a more caring way..i mean u should have a feeling that u have given more tym to it...u should be confident about ur preparation once u r in the examination hall....i hope u get it...

i had a distinction ..