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Help regarding O-level Degree CIE and Passport/CNIC

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Hey guys, some help in this matter would be appreciated.

So im 17, and going to give my exams for o-levels CIE in May/June 2014, now firstly the problem is my birthday in in April 16th which is way to late for me to make a ID card or Passport as the registration forms are given 3 months before and they will expire till i get my ID card.

So as a Private Student for o-levels CIE how will i apply for the examinations if i cant Possible get a ID Card/Passport? and well lets be honest o-levels are given in the ages 16-18 so how is anyone thats private supposed to do this at all? cant i give my Bay form/ Birth cirtificate or parents ID? please help.

Also i intend to give 4 o-level subjects in May/June 2014 and then the other 4 in October/November 2014. which are Chemistry, Physics, Maths & Computer for may june and Islamyat, Urdu, English & History + Geography for October november, Now the question is when im done with these 8 subjects will be given my certificate of completion? or do i have to give exam of all 8 subects together for that?

Help would really be appreciated especially from someone that knows or has done it privately thanks!