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How to Have Good Manners!?*

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I Suppose Most of You People are aware of "Good Manners", but still the following manners caught my eye, And i thought You may catch up wit some new ones! I preffered cope pasting for this but.... it's good to share something good.. and so here's some stuff that'll surely be helpful + interesting !

Practice basic courtesy. Say "please" and "thank you," when you need to, even to the person behind the counter at McDonald's!
Additionally, say "excuse me" whenever you accidentally bump into someone, or if you need to leave a social setting temporarily.

Hold doors open for other people. You don't have to be a guy to hold a door open. If someone will be entering the door shortly after you, pause a second and hold it open.

Speak politely. Keep the volume of your voice as low as possible while still allowing people to hear you, and don't use slang or filler words (such as "like," "uh," "so..." and so on).
Don't interrupt or override another person when he or she is speaking. Practice being a good listener, and talk when it's your turn.

Give up your seat on public transportation. If you're on a crowded train or bus and you notice someone struggling to stand up (such as an elderly person or someone with a lot of parcels), offer him or her your seat.

Congratulate people. Offer your congratulations to someone who's just made a big accomplishment or has otherwise done something worthy of praise.

Be a courteous driver. Driving with good manners might seem outdated, but it's actually a matter of safety.

Know how to greet people. Whether you're in an informal or formal situation, acknowledging the presence of another person is a fundamental point of having good manners.

Manage introductions with grace. If you're with two people who don't know each other, but you know both of them, it's your responsibility to make the intrudation of good manners

Groom yourself appropriately. Whether you're going to your school, your job, or just to the grocery store, your pristine manners will go unnoticed if you're not well-groomed.

Don't chew with your mouth open. It's an obvious rule, but one that's easy to forget when you're enjoying a delicious meal..!

Ask for someone to pass you a dish or a seasoning. Never reach across a dish or someone else's plate.

Know how to manage informal and formal place settings. One of the most intimidating parts about dining can be not knowing which utensils or plates to use..

These are "some" of the good manners you need to remember.
Good manners will never go out of style. They can only help you.! :)

If you know any other "need-to-know" manner, Share it :)
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I Suppose Most of You People are aware of "Good Manners", but still the following manners caught my eye, And i thought You may catch up wit some new ones! I preffered cope pasting for this but.... it's good to share something good.. and so here's some stuff that'll surely be helpful + interesting !

Practice basic courtesy. Say "please" and "thank you," when you need to, even to the person behind the counter at McDonald's!
Additionally, say "excuse me" whenever you accidentally bump into someone, or if you need to leave a social setting temporarily.

Hold doors open for other people. You don't have to be a guy to hold a door open. If someone will be entering the door shortly after you, pause a second and hold it open.

Speak politely. Keep the volume of your voice as low as possible while still allowing people to hear you, and don't use slang or filler words (such as "like," "uh," "so..." and so on).
Don't interrupt or override another person when he or she is speaking. Practice being a good listener, and talk when it's your turn.

Give up your seat on public transportation. If you're on a crowded train or bus and you notice someone struggling to stand up (such as an elderly person or someone with a lot of parcels), offer him or her your seat.

Congratulate people. Offer your congratulations to someone who's just made a big accomplishment or has otherwise done something worthy of praise.

Be a courteous driver. Driving with good manners might seem outdated, but it's actually a matter of safety.

Know how to greet people. Whether you're in an informal or formal situation, acknowledging the presence of another person is a fundamental point of having good manners.

Manage introductions with grace. If you're with two people who don't know each other, but you know both of them, it's your responsibility to make the intrudation of good manners

Groom yourself appropriately. Whether you're going to your school, your job, or just to the grocery store, your pristine manners will go unnoticed if you're not well-groomed.

Don't chew with your mouth open. It's an obvious rule, but one that's easy to forget when you're enjoying a delicious meal..!

Ask for someone to pass you a dish or a seasoning. Never reach across a dish or someone else's plate.

Know how to manage informal and formal place settings. One of the most intimidating parts about dining can be not knowing which utensils or plates to use..

These are "some" of the good manners you need to remember.
Good manners will never go out of style. They can only help you.! :)

If you know any other "need-to-know" manner, Share it :)
thanks a lot for the tag ^_^ Great Thread loved it
I follow all of em above :D
Keep sharing such things with US :)