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How to Start Reading

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The first step in starting a reading habit is to decide which genre you want to read. Don't set too high a goal, but find one that you enjoy. Next, find a comfortable spot to sit and read. And if possible, get other people involved in your new hobby. You'll find that reading is a lot of fun!

Making a reading list​

One way to make time for reading is to make a reading list. A list is an easy way to keep track of what you've read, and it eliminates the need to rummage through your shelves. You can even use a list to determine what you haven't finished reading and which books are worth revisiting.
The first step in making a reading list is to choose a topic or genre. The next step is to decide what kind of list you want to make. If you're reading a book for school, you might want to choose something based on the recommended reading level for that class. You can also look for popular novels or genres in some essay service.

Finding a book to read​

Trying to find a book to read can be intimidating, but it is also a great way to discover genres that interest you. The internet is a great tool for finding new books to read. Use popular sites such as Goodreads to find lists curated by other bookworms. You can also search for books by author or title.
You can also ask friends and family to recommend books to read. They often have a wide variety and might have read something that you may enjoy. Similarly, you can ask teachers and friends for suggestions. You can also find out about upcoming events in your local area.

Setting a goal​

If you're having trouble reading, setting a goal to start reading can help you get started. It's helpful to set a time in your schedule when you can dedicate to reading every day. This time can be anything from 15 minutes to an hour, but it's important to find a time that is convenient for you. Some people prefer to read before bed, while others read in the morning or on the bus. Regardless of your reading preference, making time to read will make the process more enjoyable.
When setting a goal to start reading, make sure to take stock of what books you already own. Then, put them in one place. Write down all the books you own and consider their genres, themes, or groupings. Try to make a list of the genres and authors that you'd like to read more often. Also, make a list of the things that may be holding you back from reading more.

Getting others involved in reading​

Students benefit from discussions with teachers and peers about what they're reading. They can talk about their favorite books and share their thoughts about them. They can also learn about reading strategies by participating in the discussion. Teachers can also get involved in the independent reading time of students and model the close reading and comprehension strategies that students can use. Students can also take advantage of book fairs to get involved in reading.