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Is it still possible for me to get A* in 9709 Math?

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Hello, I'm taking the 9709 Math.
I'm very worry about my P43(Mechanics 1) now. I think I left 2 questions and I lost about 20 marks, may be 25.
For me, this is the toughest P4 paper I've ever seen. Anyone has taken P43 also?
Let say my scores are:
P1 = 62/75
M1 = 25/50 (I'm extremely worry about this)
P3 = 72/75
M2 = 47/50

Let say the threshold for getting A* is 205 and I get 206 overall, will I still get an A*?
The scores and threshold above are theoretical.
Will my score in M1 (C or may be D) has bad effect on my overall score?
Will it be printed on the statement of results / certificate?
Anyone has the experience that get C or D in one paper and still get an A*?

Thank you.
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The thing is that CIE adjusts the marks by the curve in statistics, and ur marks can get lower or higher (I got my 5 marks deducted due to this in English I think, ended up overall 75, B). But for ur question, if u still get over the overall score, you will get A*, no worries!

Just to tell you, I got A in AICT practical and a D in AICT theory paper, but still got an A for AS.
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The thing is that CIE adjusts the marks by the curve in statistics, and ur marks can get lower or higher (I got my 5 marks deducted due to this in English I think, ended up overall 75, B). But for ur question, if u still get over the overall score, you will get A*, no worries!

Just to tell you, I got A in AICT practical and a D in AICT theory paper, but still got an A for AS.

kimdh996, thank you so much for your reply. I know it's very difficult for me to get A* because of my Mechanics 1 Paper.
I almost lost motivation to continue. But your reply give me some energy to continue. Thank you so much!

For your AICT, how much is the percentage for the papers? So my understanding now is that as long as our overall mark exceed the minimum threshold for A*, it doesn't matter if one of our papers is C or D?
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suppose i get 62/75 in p1 and 30/50 in p6 (stats) what would my overall likely to be ? i know it depends on the thresholds but does anyone have a guess ?