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Write an account of ways in which the Holy Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet pbuh between the years 610 – 632 AD?
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an easy question bro simple start that process of revelation started in 610 ad when prophet had started to meditate in cave of hira then during last odd nights of ramadan jibrael came with first revelation which were verses of sural alaq and mention its translation then u could write that after this there was gap of 3 years called fatrah till next revelation came after which verses of surah mudathir were revelaed then u could mention that revelations came in verses or as whole surah and also u could metnion about smallest and longest surah of Quran..after this u will write the modes of revelation all major ones after that u will write the makkan and madinian surahs a brief detail on them would be enough...thats all
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yar i dont think that there was a gap of three years, it was three years until he started preaching openly!
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Account of the ways also means that we have to describe how Jibreel (A.S) used to come in the form of a man, sometimes in real form. sometimes the revelations came through dreams, also through inspiration and through direct conversation with Allah. It is given in Comprehensive O level Islamiat.
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Lisa1995 said:
Account of the ways also means that we have to describe how Jibreel (A.S) used to come in the form of a man, sometimes in real form. sometimes the revelations came through dreams, also through inspiration and through direct conversation with Allah. It is given in Comprehensive O level Islamiat.
u should probably read the mark scheme of Winter 2009 paper 1 it doesnt say all u have to write is ways in which jibrael came candidates were required to give full account mentioning the first revelation e.t.c and also mention all modes of revelation and also mention the quran was revelaed in 2 parts makkan and madinian surahs.....
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In this question you should firstly give the introduction about Quran in 2-3 lines like Quran is the only right material among other holy books containing the pure and unchanged words of Allah. than you should discuss about the first revelation that how it arrived to the prophet and from whom it arrived. its better to also write about the first five verses about Surah Alaq. then you should also write the events about which the revelations takes place like at cave of Hira, Kinsmen, open preaching, Abysinnia, persecutions, prayers(pillars of Islam), Badr, Uhud, trench, treaty of Hudaybia, conquest at Makka, Tabuk, Hajj and last sermon. these are the few points because the note of this question should not last for more than two pages. you may include other facts.

you should firstly prepare a note by yourself with the help of different books. I recommend summarised book of David Thomas and informative book of Farkhanda Noor Muhammad. you can also include the verses which are included in the syllabus and can be found almost in all the o'level books. In last you should pack up your note nicely writing a Hadith in the importance of the Quran. such as
The Holy Prophet (SAW) said,

“O people I am leaving behind among you the Holy Book (Quran) and the Sunnah (way of Prophet (SAW)), if you follow these in letter and spirit you will never be strayed.”
(copied from http://www.equranclass.com/elearning/importance-of-learning-quran/ )

I hope you will be getting benefits form this post. please reply if I had done any mistake.