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Khilafah- The only Solution!

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Assalam-u-alaikum Brothers and Sisters
The unjust treatment and mass killing of Muslims throughout the Arab world, the drone attacks, the frivolities that corrupt society- we always discuss these problems... but whats the point of 'talking the talk' if we are'nt going to 'walk the walk'- i mean thinking about the answer to these problems.
We need a solution- something that will bring about real CHANGE.
Abu Huraira (ra) narrated that the Prophet said, "The Children of Israel used to be ruled and guided by prophets: Whenever a prophet died, another would take over his place. There will be no prophet after me, but there will be Caliphs who will increase in number."
The people asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What do you order us (to do)?"
He said, "Obey the one who will be given the pledge of allegiance first. Fulfil their (i.e. the Caliphs) rights, for Allah will ask them about (any shortcoming) in ruling those Allah has put under their guardianship." [al-Bukhari 4.661]

Our brothers and sisters in Syria are working to establish an Islamic state – Khilafah. This state will unite and restore the pride of Muslims, restore a Khalifa- Caliph, account the unjust and corrupt rulers of this time such as Bashar al Asad- the monster who is responsible for the killings and bombings in Syria. There are countless videoes available on youtube that give us a clear picture on what is happening in Syria.
Here is one that I found extremely inspiring and motivating:

We should think more deeply about the revival of the Khilafah and how we can contribute to this Fard. Do read the following article and check out the website:


The following hadith was reported by Imam Muslim on the authority of Nafi' that the Messenger (saw) said:
''The one who removes his hand from obedience he will meet Allah without a proof for himself' and Whosoever dies without a bay'ah on his neck dies the death of Jahiliyyah.''

May Allah (swt) keep our hearts strong and plant out feet firmly so we can achieve the victory we all yearn for and bring back the Islamic thought and once again become the leading light for mankind. Ameen.
Jazakallahkhair for taking the time out to read this…
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Thanks for the tag !
I have no time for now to reply fully..But will reply as soon I get time !
It's going to be long ;)
Jazakallah sissy MadihahK
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Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh….

Praise to The Lord of the earth and heavens, Who created us and gave us knowledge…

Exactly I agree with you ! What you have written…

We need a true and just ruler, Who knows how to rule, And have perfect knowledge of Islam…
Okay That’s true we can’t find a person totally perfect but at least the person should be known for His character and moral behavior ….

As well, we are the people who choose our leaders, the way you are, U will choose the leader like you….So first we need to correct ourselves…
As we go through the conditions of Islamic world, they are not going good…The conditions are worsening, but WHY??

Because our leaders & we as well as strayed from the true teachings of Islam, Until or Unless we don’t analyze & fully understand Quran and Sunnah, and practice it in our daily lifes, We can’t live a successful life…We can’t only leave them as sayings….

AND secondly,

Nowadays people know only to talk and they don’t practice what they say or preach, and this is totally against our religion, First we need to have a strong believe that what I’m doing is correct & I’m doing only to please Allah & for saving my Akhira…..

Indeed, We need to make a CHANGE……

AND that is possible, If you are ready to make….
Inshallah, One day again the Muslim ummah will realize, But we just need to think about it….

Sorry for writing it so long…..

And thank you for the tag once again…..Jazakallah kul khairun !
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Bush former american president said we are wiling to give everything to muslims as long as they are not united and they dont form khilafah he called the war on terrorism a crusade and it is rightly so it is a crusade they are killing innocent muslims like they did in the past christians are terrorists and so are zionists today the problems that we face is the result of our disunity it is the time for the ummah to unite ..
today when they make insulting movies like innonence of muslims. while our leaders debate on whose wrong and right there powerless words are invain
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Brother/ sister whoever may read it ,Assalam u alikum .....
Khalifa can be only raised , when our Aamal are good , when our Aamal are good ,ALLAH (s,w,t) is also Raazi with us, so we all should first start ,the tehreek to have Jihad with yourself,simultaneously Having JIhad with the Kufr of societies with , approaches like Tabligh /dawaat or Jihad of weapon


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Actually, i believe the most important thing to take care NOW of is the unification of the muslim ummah. The return of the khilafah system would basically be impossible to achieve, with our ummah being in the state it is in right now.
Even if everyone agrees to appoint a caliph, the question arises WHO shall be appointed the Khalifah? Who shall decide? Who has the necessary knowledge and authority? And surely everyone can't, or won't, come to common terms.But the thing is we don't need everyone's "yes", to choose the caliph, the caliphate has to be chosen by the "decision makers" only, for democracy has no place in Islam.Who are the decision makers? Well, now that is the question.
Mainly, disregarding what anyone may say, what's important is coming under the common banner of Allah, taught to us by by the prophet (SAW), yet understanding religion not by using our own biased reasoning, but understanding it the way the best of the ummah understood it, the sahabah, and then InshaAllah Allah will guide us and unite us.
Allah has promised us that the khilafah system would prevail, and so it shall be.
InshaAllah that day comes soon.
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The muslims were most awesome when Khilafat runned, most illiterate nation of world, west was devoloping machines, medicines, and when any sceintist developed in muslim world he was given a fitwah, one scientist was even put with a pillar of mosque and every one spit on him after Jumaah Prayer, Muslims a=couldnt ever impose real Khiafah after Hazrat Ali, which as actually de3mocracy, best person most eligible one took place of leader ship later in all the various families, rulers used it to have 300 wives, unlimted luxury, fine food, heavy clothes, since htey were unquestionable, so better run on with democracy.


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hahaha.... seriously your post makes me laugh. From where do you get such blasphemous news, eh? Most illiterate nation of world? Do you know who is known as the father of chemistry? Jabir ibn hayyan. Heard of avicenna? pity you if you haven't- he is a muslim scholar whose actual name is ibn sina(search him up on wikipedia) . And give me one example of a ruler having 300 wives? seriously? Every sentence of yours was based on misinformation . Hazrat Ali democracy- first time i heard that. Although, i admit that the system of khilafah deteriorated later on...that's exactly why we are hoping for the earlier system to return.
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hah ha ha ha what ha ha, you think you are humiliating me, you are humiliating your self. The total no. of such scientosts was what oxford or cambridge give in a single year. And even then most of them run most of their , fleeing to save their lives, i am talking fact, nothing as blasphemous , Instead of being brainwashed, go and rad some real, REAL history, not what your mentor tells you, but what actually happened.