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Making Fun and Finding Faults in Others

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The idea of a brotherhood in Islam entails more than just calling each other "brother" and "sister". One of the essential elements of a stable Islamic brotherhood is to fulfill the rights of others. For most of us "fulfilling the rights of others" makes us think about feeding the poor, helping the orphans, and other such charitable endeavors. But there's another group of rights owed a little closer to home which we often neglect.
According to the Noble Qur'an and our beloved Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) as picking at their faults. In fact, this spiritual disease of hurting other believers is widespread amongst our communities, a grave sin we must not commit under any circumstance.

"O you who have true faith, do not let men make fun of other men – perhaps they may be better than the other (group of men). Also, do not let women make fun of other women, as it may be that they are better than the other (group of) women..." ( Sura al-Hujaraat : verse 11 )

Remember the last time you heard someone say, "she cooks terrible food", "I have never seen that man pray", "their house is so small", "her wedding dress was so cheap", "that jewelry set is totally fake", "that guy has a low salary", "their kids are not intelligent", "her scarf looks so bad, she looks like she's mourning", "he doesn't have a good voice", "his Qur'an recitation was too long and boring", "his wife isn't good looking", "they never host dinner parties, cheapos!". The list of faults we find in others seems never ending.


"How bad it is after having true faith that a person (does these acts) but does not turn in repentance (to Allah), so then surely it is these people who are the transgressors."
(al-Hujaraat : verse 11)

If we have ever intentionally hurt someone, the Almighty is commanding us to repent and ask for His mercy and forgiveness. It is also vital to directly apologize to the person we have hurt, even if it was a long time ago, especially if it entailed backbiting .

How Can I Help Prevent This in My Community?
  1. First and foremost, let us analyze ourselves and make sure we are not one of those people who hurt others. If we have done so, we must sincerely repent and seek forgiveness. In the future, be able to draw the line between a friendly joke and the prohibited act of hurting other. When in doubt, hold yourself back!
  2. Gently approach those we associate with who intentionally hurt others and explain the gravity of such actions. Insha'Allah they will stop hurting others. If they continue to intentionally hurt others, disassociate with such people.
  3. If someone is being intentionally hurt and insulted in front of you, step in and defend them like our Prophet would. Not only does it fit the mannerism of a believer to do so, but we will also be rewarded! Hazrat Ali said: "May Allah have mercy upon the person who services a right and removes a wrong, or refutes an injustice and establishes justice."