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Maths VS AICT (for AS Level Commerce Student)

Maths Vs. AICT

  • AICT

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Assalamualikum people!! Hope all your results were good!!
Now, I just got the results for my IGCSEs and Alhamdulillah, I got really good grades. So at the moment I am planning for my AS and A levels. The school I want to get admitted in offers 3 involuntary subjects and 3 voluntary subjects (out of which only 1 can be chosen). My 3 compulsory subjects (as you might have guessed) are: Accounting, Business Studies and Economics. The 3 optional classes are: Maths, English and AICT.
Now I am heavily leaning away from English, and so the choice narrows down to either Maths or AICT (keep in mind I will go for statistics and NOT pure math).
With accounting, business, and Economics, what is better suited as an additional subject; Maths or AICT?
Also, I got A* in both ICT and Maths in my IGCSEs. So what would you recommend from your experience and please also give a reason. I will also deeply appreciate help from Senior students and teachers, as well as students from my own age group!
Thanks in advance!!