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My first year as an A level student :(

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Hello there guys :) i hope everyone is well .. May god bless this community .. I was told by people that it's really hard to score an A in AS level .. But i'm really working hard to get to gain maximum marks.. Can u please give me some tips on how to score an A in maths , physics and chemistry.. What about the practicals? How can i be prepared for all papers? A previous study plan? Any suggestion will be taken into consideration.. What about pure maths and mechanics? How can i prepare for pure maths? As i heard the previous papers was really hard .. Im freaking out :( good luck in your november session <3
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there are No tricks. Just work hard.

Maths - practice as much as possible.

and for phy and chem - understand the topics well. Don't just learn stuff.
Understand the stuff. In that way you can tackle unseen and unheard questions.

good luck