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My Xpc Story-Figure out the problem before its too late...

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AsSalam-u-Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu...
For those who don’t know I am MuslimGirl

I am here, today just to share with you guys an lesson that I learnt from this site. I hope you’d be able to relate with my story in your life and turn yourself into someone productive or at least someone who wastes less time.

So… It all started in October, 2011, when I joined Xtremepapers Forums. It was not Xtremepapers Community back then; People interacted less as there were no profile pages(wall) to write on. Then after a few months there was this entire change in everything when they introduced this community thing. Everyone started socialising, way too much in my opinion. I became social too. Then I saw a friend of mine getting humiliated because of her Not-so-good-grammar (Grammar police, you know). I was an emo-girl at that time. The girl who’d stay depressed all the time but that wasn’t because of xpc, I had my own personal reasons. Any way. I argued with those members because I couldn’t bear the fact that my friend was humiliated, I defended her. Well then, I got kinda ‘popular’ and I liked the feel of it and that I made My besties(good friends, that is) on xpc. i.e around 10 best friends whom I never met in real life. I was ‘Addicted’ to xpc. I found everyone so sweet. I was like: “Oh God, these people are so amazing, real life is just so stupid.” That was the time when I used stay online on xpc 24/7. It was supposed to be a site through which I took help from people regarding ‘Studies.’ By Now, it was Everything for me. Like an entire Family and friends. People who’d give me advice who’d talk to me the entire day. The follow/unfollow thing, it made me think like: “No one cares about me in real life and look I have fans, here.” Yes! This was the situation and I liked it. Though I knew this addiction was going to take me nowhere, but I continued.

Then came the time when I told my ‘real life’ friends to join XPC too. At first they were like: “Dude you are crazy! Online friends? Its just stupid” But Then A few of them joined XPC. They came, Stayed for few months and left. But I was still there. I thought I should leave too, but I didn't, May be it was just planned this way to make to me learn a big lesson, which I did, eventually.

Somewhere in 2012, I thought I should get my account banned, I did it, got it banned but just for a week; I couldn’t live without XPC. I noticed my studies getting affected by it. But I always denied: “Mama xpc per log meri parhaai mein bhi help kertaen haen.” (Mom, people help me with studies too on XPC). That was right to an extent but essentially the harm caused was a lot more than the benefits.

Eventually my mother got tired of all this and told me to get my account banned and I did. I only used it through my friend’s account or my sister's sometimes when i needed it for studies. Now I see my world(The real world) with a different view. Life is not as easy as it appears online. Its just so difficult. I realised that your Goal shouldn't be to get the most followers, but It should be to Get Highest marks in Class and Pray in best possible manner and try to be as obedient to Allah swt as possible. I won’t deny the help that badrobot14 gave, online. He shared those amazing videos and stories. I am a proud Nak (Nouman Ali Khan) fan, now. I see a lot of change in my life, now. I might not be that mature yet, but I learnt a lot. I got to know how to talk to someone now, who you don’t know in reality. As in don’t be mean and don’t be too friendly either. Because after all what matters more is you as a person and not you as an online profile.

I don't really mean to say be self obsessed, selfish and just care about yourself. The idea is to care for others but First be good enough in eyes of your family and Allah. And your parents don't care if someone got an A* because of you, They’ll see your grade. Allah swt will definitely give reward to someone because of whom you came to the right path but He would also ask what you did to yourself. Are you good enough? If yes, well and good. If not, Sit quietly somewhere and ponder where you went wrong. Make dua and pray and work. I did so and I am Happy, Alhamdulillah.

Conclusion: Give your 100% and wait for the results to come, you’ll be amazed, InshaAllah.
Editing Credits: badrobot14
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yep so true...:) jazakillah for sharing ur story :)
online is really different form real life n i find it a bit fake at times coz everyone is mostly good to every but that dosen't always happen in real life...sorry it's just my opinion...
yep n it consumes a lot of time...but a few threads n frns here have helped me too n i'm grateful for that alhamdulillah :)
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True. This study website can really make you waste a lot of your time.
And people arent always as nice and caring as they seem at time in websites such as these. and when you find that out, thats not a very good feel.
Not denying that there are good, true people too :)
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Nicely Written MG.

Xpc has played a vital role in my education by providing Advice,Tips and resources and It has inspired me to keep firm with my faith many time's + it has given me such nice friends (enemies) :p . I will always remember those late nights chit Chat! Spamming other member's Wall and getting Warned :p Wishing birthday's and trolling etc :LOL: