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Hi All and thank you for reading this.
I'm going to start my A-Levels this following September although my grades still haven't shown up.
I've been studying in the British Curriculum way of studying and I plan to go abroad for further studies in college. Thing is, ever since I entered High School, in my 3rd year they gave us a slip on what courses you want to take business or sceince. Naturally, I listened to my parents and went for business. I don't find anything hard however when it comes down the two, I'd wish i personally picked Science including ICT as my subjects. Now the MAJOR problem which i need advice is, I'm still in a situation where I seriously don't know what to become when I grow older. I don't know what job i should go. From high school, I've really thought through this about jobs but I was never serious and took studying for granted. I took accounts, Maths and Computing in my AS and through out that year I found Maths seriously tough but I somehow managed my studies. It isn't like i dont want to get a job but I find studying kinda fun when I'm interested and actually doing it. Overall I'm a lazy person doing things in the last minute which is also sorta fun. But ever since I saw a poster on how my future will be like I began to take my life seriously.
I personally love messing around with computers cause my whole life I've lived with them and know not too much but alot about computers thats why i took computing and since Maths is ALWAYS needed i took it. But for accounts I really dont know why i took it. I was also in a stituation where I wondered if i would like become an accountant but I didnt want my job to be like that because i mainly focus on a job that INVOLVES computers.

So is there any solution to how I can find out " What job I really want and how it interest me ? "
Please help me with this. I really need your advices otherwise my courses would be useless and I would also like to know based on what i took what courses I could take IF ever i get into college.

Thank you so much for reading. This really means alot to me!:)