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guys, for electrical engg.. which should i choose?
~ Nust - EME
~ Nust - SEECS
plz explain y?? help would be greatly sappreciated :)
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Well i know a lot of people studying at NUST. Both eme and seecs. And i was confused too whether to choose eme or H-12. Well after a lot of talking to students there and personally visiting both the campuses and the labs, i'd suggest SEECS (H-12)
Although eme has higher merit but you see from what i heard from a lot of NUST students, eme lives a little too much in the past. And if you'd visit seecs, you'd love their labs. I don't know about other people but i would love to work at labs like the ones they have at H-12. Eme is well, i felt like being in a dungeon there =P
plus since H-12 is the nust head quarters with lots of societies and exposure and stuff, you'd love your student life there. =)
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thanks a BUNCH!! :)
well i've been told the "dungeon" thing before as well.. xD
i've heard that there r just too many restrictions n da teachers r tired old army officers :/
the problem, however, is that i talked to a seecs student about it n he said that even though there r many societies, any ceremonies or events r RARELY held at seecs..
wouldnt 4 years of life be a bit boring there?? since even all da facilities like swimming pool, tennis n squash courts r still underconstruction??
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Haha well yes. My brother studies at H-12, he went to eme to meet a friend or something, and he was just standing there talking, and a guard came up to him and said, 'Aap yahan nae khray ho sktay, ye lrkion ki jaga ha' Lol i so wouldn't wanna study at such a place. =P And their labs seemed kind of out dated to me.
Now talking about seecs, you see it all depends. Like events and stuff, it all depends on the students. From what i've heard, seecs k jo junior batches hain, they are nerds not really interested in anything except their GPAs.
But the senior batches are fun people seriously =D and most of them are in the organizing team of Nust Olympiad and such events. If you are fun loving non nerdy person, you'll love your life at H-12 =D
and plus cut 'em some slack. h-12 kafi new ha. You can't expect everything to be perfect all at the beginning. A senior told me that things are gonna be pretty good for the coming batches. Yes i trust my seniors lol =P
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lmao... eme sure does sound like HELL then xD
i did a lil research on seecs' labs n was quite pleasantly surprised myslf =p Anyways thanks quite a lot, that realllyyy helped =)
n i just hope wot da seniors say turns out 2 be true, i came to lahore grammar school under dis impression, n had to face a new underconstruction campus for full two years :/
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n there's another thing.... i'm from O/A level background, so wot would u recommend me to study for the entry test??
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About the underconstruction thing, no most of the campus is not under construction. They are just making a few additions. Like i heard they're a planning some lake thingy or something. Not sure though =P
anyway about the NET, well its 10% english, 5% general awareness, 15% chemistry, 30% physics and 40% maths. English would be sat based. General awareness would include anything to everything. I cant help you with this GA thing 'cause i need help with it too =P this is the first time they are including it in the NET.
Anyway about the sciences, get your hands in on all six Fsc books, and go through all the topics. You'd already know most of 'em well. About the stuff you wouldn't know like conics etc, ask someone to help you out, like a tutor or anyone. Or if you're a good student then you could self study 'em. It wouldn't be that hard.
Then when you've got an idea about all the topics, try out mcqs from dogar ecat books. They'd give you a general idea.
And the most important thing. Stay calm!! Most of the nustians say that all you need to ace the test is a well rested, calm mind. So yeah get loads of sleep before the test =P
and oh yeah best of luck. Wish me luck too =P
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thnx, aaur aap ko bhi best of luck! =)
well, the thing is that i already went through all the fsc books for preparing the lums test, but especially the matrices part is too annoying in math, n the whole organic chem is "rattaa" =/ ... conics r easy cuz they're in SAT as well..
wiil da level of difficulty be just like fsc or will they only test the basic skills??
oh, and is calculator allowed? :p
n once again, thanks a lot!xD
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Lol organic seemed like ratta to me too at first but our sir made us love it. It's really not ratta, talking about conversions and all.
Matrices wala chapter, ah i hate it too. But our sir said that entry tests may matrices ka itna portion nae hota so dont worry =P
rest umm, fsc type tou nae ho ga test. I'll be easy, dont fret much =P they will just judge your understanding of the topic.
And calculator is most definitely NOT allowed. That seemed annoying at first but our sirs got us used to not using a calculator. Start practising =P waisay dont worry itni brri calculations walay questions hotay he nae hain.
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guys, for electrical engg.. which should i choose?
~ Nust - EME
~ Nust - SEECS
plz explain y?? help would be greatly sappreciated :)
Aw man, you should have made this topic a little early :p , i chose eme, and now i am starting to regret it after reading all the posts here :(:D
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Well once you get accepted you can change your preferences a little. E.g, if you get in eme (which has higher merit) send them an application requesting for admission in H-12 campus instead of eme. They usually make such changes and it would be easier to shift to H-12 since its merit is a little lower. At least abi takk. Its merit would be wayyy higher in the future though.
Anyway right now, focus on the test. Preferences can be changed from higher to lower once you get in.