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One page summary for system analysis

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hey i got some more adv and disadv about method of analysis
1) the analyst obtain reliable data
2) It is possible to see what is exactly done
3) It is an inexpensive method
1) people get uncomfortable being watch and may work in different way
2) if worker perform task that violate the procedure, they may not do it while being watch

1)Individual can remain anonymous
2)it is an inexpensive method
1) the number of returned questionnaire is low
2) there is no way to clarify incomplete answer

1) can motivate the interviewee into giving honest answer
2) more feedback from interviewee
1) interviewee cant remain anonymous
2) expensive method because of the analyst time

1) analyst can see how the paper system operate
2) information can be obtain which cant be obtain
be other method
3) analyst get some information about the memory
size, input/output, problem etc..
1) time consuming
2) expensive method because of the analyst time

this is the adv and disadv
ill try to upload the others later
best of luck in ict exam :D
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here you go..


1) Direct Changeover
The old system is stopped completely, and the new system is started. All of the data that used to be input into the old system, now goes into the new one.

This is has its advantages...
•Takes the minimal time and effort
•The new system is up and running immediately
But there are also disadvantages...
•If the new system fails, there is no back-up system, so data can be lost

2) Parallel Running
The new system is started, but the old system is kept running in parallel (side-by-side) for a while. All of the data that is input into the old system, is also input into the new one.
Eventually, the old system will be stopped, but only when the new system has been proven to work.

This is has its advantages...
•If anything goes wrong with the new system, the old system will act as a back-up.
•The outputs from the old and new systems can be compared to check that the new system is running correctly
But there are also disadvantages...
•Entering data into two systems, and running two systems together, takes a lot of extra time and effort

3) Phased Implementation
The new system is introduced in phases (stages, or steps), gradually replacing parts of the old system until eventually, the new system has taken over.

This is has its advantages...
•Allows users to gradually get used to the new system
•Staff training can be done in stages
But there are also disadvantages...
•If a part of the new system fails, there is no back-up system, so data can be lost

4) Pilot Running
The new system is first of all piloted (trialled) in one part of the business / organisation (e.g. in just one office, or in just one department).
Once the pilot system is running successfully, the new system is introduced to the all of the business / organisation.

This is has its advantages...
•All features of the new system can be fully trialled
•If something goes wrong with the new system, only a small part of the organisation is affected
•The staff who were part of the pilot scheme can help train other staff.
But there are also disadvantages...
•For the office / department doing the pilot, there is no back-up system if things go wrong

<------------GOOD LUCK--------------->
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here is the list of validation check:
1)Range Check
2)Length Check
3)Character type check
4)Format check
5)presence check
6)consistency check
7)check digit
8 ) limit check
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here are more point in Evaluation:
1) compare final solution with orginal one
2) identify any limitation in the system
3) identify any improvment that should be made
4) evaluate user's responses to using the system
5) compare test result from new system with the old one
6) compare performance of the new system with the old one
7) observe users performing task compare with old one
8) measure time taken to complete the task
9) interview user to gather responses about how new system work
10) give out questionnaire about the ease of use of the new system

Hardware and Software may need to be updated in the end