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Only for my muslim brothers and sisters..

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Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatu Allahi Wa Barakatuh,
Dear brothers and sisters,
A few hours ago i saw one of the posts of the so-called "Allah does not exist"claiming people , so I remembered the thread one created and the discussions we had there trying to convince .. so, i'd like to say THANK YOU to all my muslim sisters and brothers for showing great care and trying to convince him without any foul language or any fighting and then completely ignoring that person, and therefore giving all the other non muslims the good picture of real traits of muslims and how they deal with others.. Allah only knows what non-muslims really think about Islam ...
In the end, I would like to mention that there is a great great difference between being a non muslim and being Against Islam...
Please continue to do what you did then.. :) :)
ALHAMDULILLAH FOR BEING A MUSLIM.. Thank u Allah for all ur uncounted blessings, among which, I was born a muslim :)