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Our tumbledown Castle of Unity... Why?

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I stand in the local train of my city, squeezed amidst my fellow passengers. The site is not unusual; just board the train at peak hours and you shall encounter the same. But let me tell you this: almost all of us were strangers to each other(of course you don’t expect to know everyone in this metropolitan city!) Just after a moment, a Non-Muslim lady speaks to another one(it is almost apparent that they shared no acquaintance) about whatever, but her mannerism is most cordial, as if they are age-old friends.

This is just a lone incident I mentioned here; such occurrences are nothing new to most people of most faiths.
But I tell you this: most Muslims are not so brotherly, even among themselves. Why are we losing what is supposed to be in our possession?

In the Holy Quran, Allah (swt) says in Surah Ale Imran verse 103, “And hold fast the rope of Allah altogether, and be not divided…”

This beautiful Word of Allah lays down for us the manner in which we must unite: by holding fast to the rope of Allah.

So what is the rope of Allah? The Mufassireen (explainers/exegetes of the text) have said theat this means the Quran and Ahadith (authentic sayings and actions of Muhammad [pbuh]). If we go according to what Allah and His Messenger (pbuh) say, surely, we shall regain our stand that we have long lost; certainly, there shall be much precalance of peace, for the very meaning of our religion is ‘Peace acquired by submitting to Allah’; and verily, we shall not be humiliated as we are being today.
The rope of Allah, if not held, will sever all relevance to our existence, will render us worthless, will send us plunging into the deep waters of destruction; may Allah Protect us from that.
Abu Dharr reported: Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said to me: Don't consider anything insignificant out of good things even if it is that you meet your brother with a cheerful countenance.[Muslim]

In Islam, all Muslims are brothers and sisters. So, if you wish to follow the Quran and Sunnah, you must try doing every single good deed, even if it is smiling at your brother/sister (ie same gender as you). Another hadith says, “Smiling at your brother’s face is charity” [Tirmidhi] Imagine: just by smiling you earn reward, too! Who would want to miss the fruits of such an easy sowing?

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also said that you should greet, invoking peace (salaam) for them, those who you know and those who you do not know. Will there, then, not be an avid prevalence of brotherhood? Will we, then, not be the Ummah of Muhammad (saw) who actually follow what Allah Loves? Will we, then, not be an honourable people, and not the scum and froth of the sea waters?

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) also said that the Muslim Ummah is like one body, if one part of the body is hurt, the whole body feels the pain. Today, the oppressors are mercilessly mutilating parts of this body, so shall we not feel the pain, and shall we not cry out in protest? Shall we, ourselves, not do what our mentor, Muhammad (saw) asked us to do? Shall we not be the obedient slaves of Allah for whom He Prepared Gardens in Paradise?
O Allah! Guide us among those whom You Have Guided.
May we practice the True Religion as it deserves practice, and may we strive to make the Word of Allah high, always! Aameen…

Peace be to all those who follow the Guidance.
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Assalamu Alaykum,
Thank You For The Tag... :)
ANd thanks for sharing... what you are saying is absolutely right....
ABout smiling and all to everyone whether you know them or not is a bit difficult nowadays as you said... I always try to smile but sometimes people's attitude stop you from smiling, then the next time you greet people you are afraid they will show similar attitude!
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Jazakillah for tagging me, I could personally relate to this as I've seen exactly the same on buses and in malls myself :)
I've actually noticed this many, many times between non-Muslims, they are even warm towards Muslims when we are not so towards our own brothers and sisters. I'll give you an example; my neighbor in Abu Dhabi was probably the sweetest Christian I've ever met -- she used to send us freshly baked chocolate cake on the first eve of Ramadan, which just goes to show you that humanity and compassion exists between people of all faiths :)
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MASHALLAH really beautiful thread..such gr8 peices of info r actually needed for today's generation,,even though we know about all this..we never follow it..jazakAllah for the really beautiful thread..and JazakAllah sis fantastic girl for tagging me here..
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I stand in the local train of my city, squeezed amidst my fellow passengers. The site is not unusual; just board the train at peak hours and you shall encounter the same. But let me tell you this: almost all of us were strangers to each other(of course you don’t expect to know everyone in this metropolitan city!) Just after a moment, a Non-Muslim lady speaks to another one(it is almost apparent that they shared no acquaintance) about whatever, but her mannerism is most cordial, as if they are age-old friends.

This is just a lone incident I mentioned here; such occurrences are nothing new to most people of most faiths.
But I tell you this: most Muslims are not so brotherly, even among themselves. Why are we losing what is supposed to be in our possession?

In the Holy Quran, Allah (swt) says in Surah Ale Imran verse 103, “And hold fast the rope of Allah altogether, and be not divided…”

This beautiful Word of Allah lays down for us the manner in which we must unite: by holding fast to the rope of Allah.

So what is the rope of Allah? The Mufassireen (explainers/exegetes of the text) have said theat this means the Quran and Ahadith (authentic sayings and actions of Muhammad [pbuh]). If we go according to what Allah and His Messenger (pbuh) say, surely, we shall regain our stand that we have long lost; certainly, there shall be much precalance of peace, for the very meaning of our religion is ‘Peace acquired by submitting to Allah’; and verily, we shall not be humiliated as we are being today.
The rope of Allah, if not held, will sever all relevance to our existence, will render us worthless, will send us plunging into the deep waters of destruction; may Allah Protect us from that.
Abu Dharr reported: Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said to me: Don't consider anything insignificant out of good things even if it is that you meet your brother with a cheerful countenance.[Muslim]

In Islam, all Muslims are brothers and sisters. So, if you wish to follow the Quran and Sunnah, you must try doing every single good deed, even if it is smiling at your brother/sister (ie same gender as you). Another hadith says, “Smiling at your brother’s face is charity” [Tirmidhi] Imagine: just by smiling you earn reward, too! Who would want to miss the fruits of such an easy sowing?

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also said that you should greet, invoking peace (salaam) for them, those who you know and those who you do not know. Will there, then, not be an avid prevalence of brotherhood? Will we, then, not be the Ummah of Muhammad (saw) who actually follow what Allah Loves? Will we, then, not be an honourable people, and not the scum and froth of the sea waters?

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) also said that the Muslim Ummah is like one body, if one part of the body is hurt, the whole body feels the pain. Today, the oppressors are mercilessly mutilating parts of this body, so shall we not feel the pain, and shall we not cry out in protest? Shall we, ourselves, not do what our mentor, Muhammad (saw) asked us to do? Shall we not be the obedient slaves of Allah for whom He Prepared Gardens in Paradise?
O Allah! Guide us among those whom You Have Guided.
May we practice the True Religion as it deserves practice, and may we strive to make the Word of Allah high, always! Aameen…

Peace be to all those who follow the Guidance.

Wonderful message to all the Muslims around the world. Jazakillahu khair for sharing and may Allah reward you for your work. :)
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I stand in the local train of my city, squeezed amidst my fellow passengers. The site is not unusual; just board the train at peak hours and you shall encounter the same. But let me tell you this: almost all of us were strangers to each other(of course you don’t expect to know everyone in this metropolitan city!) Just after a moment, a Non-Muslim lady speaks to another one(it is almost apparent that they shared no acquaintance) about whatever, but her mannerism is most cordial, as if they are age-old friends.

This is just a lone incident I mentioned here; such occurrences are nothing new to most people of most faiths.
But I tell you this: most Muslims are not so brotherly, even among themselves. Why are we losing what is supposed to be in our possession?

In the Holy Quran, Allah (swt) says in Surah Ale Imran verse 103, “And hold fast the rope of Allah altogether, and be not divided…”

This beautiful Word of Allah lays down for us the manner in which we must unite: by holding fast to the rope of Allah.

So what is the rope of Allah? The Mufassireen (explainers/exegetes of the text) have said theat this means the Quran and Ahadith (authentic sayings and actions of Muhammad [pbuh]). If we go according to what Allah and His Messenger (pbuh) say, surely, we shall regain our stand that we have long lost; certainly, there shall be much precalance of peace, for the very meaning of our religion is ‘Peace acquired by submitting to Allah’; and verily, we shall not be humiliated as we are being today.
The rope of Allah, if not held, will sever all relevance to our existence, will render us worthless, will send us plunging into the deep waters of destruction; may Allah Protect us from that.
Abu Dharr reported: Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said to me: Don't consider anything insignificant out of good things even if it is that you meet your brother with a cheerful countenance.[Muslim]

In Islam, all Muslims are brothers and sisters. So, if you wish to follow the Quran and Sunnah, you must try doing every single good deed, even if it is smiling at your brother/sister (ie same gender as you). Another hadith says, “Smiling at your brother’s face is charity” [Tirmidhi] Imagine: just by smiling you earn reward, too! Who would want to miss the fruits of such an easy sowing?

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also said that you should greet, invoking peace (salaam) for them, those who you know and those who you do not know. Will there, then, not be an avid prevalence of brotherhood? Will we, then, not be the Ummah of Muhammad (saw) who actually follow what Allah Loves? Will we, then, not be an honourable people, and not the scum and froth of the sea waters?

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) also said that the Muslim Ummah is like one body, if one part of the body is hurt, the whole body feels the pain. Today, the oppressors are mercilessly mutilating parts of this body, so shall we not feel the pain, and shall we not cry out in protest? Shall we, ourselves, not do what our mentor, Muhammad (saw) asked us to do? Shall we not be the obedient slaves of Allah for whom He Prepared Gardens in Paradise?
O Allah! Guide us among those whom You Have Guided.
May we practice the True Religion as it deserves practice, and may we strive to make the Word of Allah high, always! Aameen…

Peace be to all those who follow the Guidance.
Such a nice thread dear,
Me Truly With You in this Thread,yeah its a truth the brotherhood btw Muslims is about to finish,No love,no caring ,no help fr each others,we just think about ourselves,tht whatever is in the world its we only....
May Allah reward you for creating such a Important thread...