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Pet Problems??

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Well, first things first, this thread is for all you folk out there who have... pet problems. Whether you have a poorly cat or a dog that refuses to eat, come here and let me know and i can guarantee you your pet will be as right as rain in no time!

You're all probably wondering how on earth i will EVER know every single problem about animals, the answer to that is that i am crazy about our little critters! I wanna be a vet in the future and am already capable of doing minor operations on pets, such as removing a bullet that hasnt gotten too deep. etc. I went to the RVC in London for some time too as my previous scool in england (KECHG, one of the top ten schools in the UK) thought that i had tonnes of potential. Lol i practically turned that place into a zoo! XD

So yeah, go ahead and bombard me with questions!
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The fishes in my aquarium dies after 1 or 2 months after they are bought and I have to buy fishes every two months. The aeration system and water salinity and pH are alright, I can't understand why the fishes can't live here for more than two months. I feed them regularly and replace the water every month. What is the solution to this problem? :eek:
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Thanks for making this thread maya <3 ...I was just thinking that there should be a thread about pets. Then I saw this ^_^ We needed one here:3
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my cat only eats flesh, and now, she's turning wild, started hunting and eating lizards, yuk! but she plays with toads. I cant leave her, I dont want to. She's also afraid of other street-cats and always gets beaten by them. What should I do?
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My dog doesn't eat -__- 'nough said:D:p Suggest me anything apart from Spoon feeding :cool:
He could have worms or some other intestinal disease. Try feeling his belly and if it feels hard take him straight to the vet. The vet should give you some worm tablets and he should be as right as rain. :)
If it isn't hard then your dog could be a fussy eater, try changing what you are feeding him :)
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The fishes in my aquarium dies after 1 or 2 months after they are bought and I have to buy fishes every two months. The aeration system and water salinity and pH are alright, I can't understand why the fishes can't live here for more than two months. I feed them regularly and replace the water every month. What is the solution to this problem? :eek:
If you haven't already, you should research about the type of fish you have and only keep the same, or similar fish in the same tank. They could also be a bit crowded so try getting them a bigger tank or decreasin the amount of fish you have.
However, i think the main problem here is how regularly you are cleaning their tank out. You should clean it our at least once a week or once every two weeks. Many types of fish can die in their on poop. :(
The fish could also not be kept right in the pet shop, check to see if any fish are dead in the tank before you buy them and check for any white spots etc. This is a disease known as White Spot and is fatal in fish. Also make sure you not only change the water but clean the gravel and any decorations, if you have a filter clean that too :)
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my cat only eats flesh, and now, she's turning wild, started hunting and eating lizards, yuk! but she plays with toads. I cant leave her, I dont want to. She's also afraid of other street-cats and always gets beaten by them. What should I do?
If she just eats flesh, try to wean her off it by buying cat food (whiskas or felix is great) and mixing it with the meat, gradually decreasing the amount of meat. Hunting is in their instincts, but if you want to get her to stop then just say 'no' really firmly and she should get the message. :) If you are worried about her getting in fights, keep her indoors :)
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If you haven't already, you should research about the type of fish you have and only keep the same, or similar fish in the same tank. They could also be a bit crowded so try getting them a bigger tank or decreasin the amount of fish you have.
However, i think the main problem here is how regularly you are cleaning their tank out. You should clean it our at least once a week or once every two weeks. Many types of fish can die in their on poop. :(
The fish could also not be kept right in the pet shop, check to see if any fish are dead in the tank before you buy them and check for any white spots etc. This is a disease known as White Spot and is fatal in fish. Also make sure you not only change the water but clean the gravel and any decorations, if you have a filter clean that too :)
Thank you :) I will do what you said
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He could have worms or some other intestinal disease. Try feeling his belly and if it feels hard take him straight to the vet. The vet should give you some worm tablets and he should be as right as rain. :)
If it isn't hard then your dog could be a fussy eater, try changing what you are feeding him :)

It's a "She" actually :p:D Thanks anyway(y)