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Physics Help

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Can someone please explain Specific Latent Heat and Vaporisation and Specific Heat Capacity along with their subsequent equations? That the only thing I don't understand in Thermal Physics. And can someone please help me understand sound and light and mention their formulas please?

Thanks. And one last thing, no attachments of notes. Thanks again ^_^
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Bro they are easy,
Latent Heat, is the heat released or absorbed by a body or a thermodynamic system during a constant-temperature process. What is that? Lets say you have a cup of water at 100 degree Celsius, and u want to boil the whole thing into vapours, the energy that you can give to this water without changing it's temperature is called latent heat, ignoring the cup's temperature. Latent Heat per KG is specific latent heat!

Specific Latent heat of :
vaporization : boiling process's latent heat
fusion : melting process's latent heat

Heat Capacity is a different thing, it is how much does the temperature of a body increase in relation to the energy given to it, specific heat capacity is the same thing but per KG. Heat and Specific Heat Capacity are measured by J/kgC`

Specific Heat Capacity : (Energy in Joules) / (Mass) (Temperature Change)
Specific Latent Heat : (Energy) / (Mass)

I typed all this from what I learned from school, and check my physics notes if you want, they are really helpful!