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physics p6 need help

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1 D is pretty simple your work out the gradient of your line in C.
using (y1-y2)/ (X1 - X2)
you then substitute your Gradiant Value (G) into the formula provided in D. along with k=1250 and x= 50
Then solve for Z

No. 4, Light is being Reflected, so therefore the angle of incidence must = the angle of refraction
i) you would just put 2 pins inline with each other on the line EF so that they are inline when you look down into the mirror, P1 and P2 will be exactly inline with P3 and P4

ii)Angle of incidence = angle of refraction therefore the angle of refraction will = 20 degrees
BUT as you can see there is a glass block which is infront of the mirror which is more dense so it causes the light ray to "bend" towards the normal (N) until it reaches the mirror.

iii) It is then reflected at the same angle, it then goes out of the glass and the direction changes to match up to P3 and P 4 where the line passes through.

No.4 Is quite tricky to explane, i did the experiment in class

I have to go so dont have time to explain 5 hope my explanation helped a bit :/