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Pray for Egypt

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ya Allah..everything belongs to u..u r the supreme power..everything on this earth happens by your will..oh Allah bless Egypt and all the other countries..make the people wiser..O Allah..we have noone else to look up to but you..please accept our prayers..aameen..
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Ya Rab, O Most Merciful, Ya Rahim, have mercy on Your people. Rabbana, Sayyidina wa Maulana, we ask You, O Lord of the Universe, O the Listener of all Duaa's, whether they are in our hearts or spoken out, O Allah, we ask You to have mercy on the people of Sham, and Palestine, and Egypt. Rabbana, avenge those who are against the nation of Islam. Ya Alla, destroy them! destroy them! Destroy the corrupt nation that led to the bloodshed of our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters. Ya Rabbana, Intaqamhum, wa Zalzilhum!
Rabbana, our brothers and sisters are dying, some are full of fear, be there for them. Some are hungry, feed them. Some are in danger, protect them. Rabbana, Ilahana, accept their deaths and make them of the martyrs, give the dead the highest rank in Jannah. Give patience to their relatives, calm the ones who have become anxious. Sayyidina, to You to we belong, and to You will we return. Guide this nation, spark the Iman in this Ummah, and rise it to fight against the Kafiroon! Ya Allah! Ease the violence in Syria, ease the violence in Misr, and ease the violence in Palestine. Free the prisoners, heal the ill, and grant Paradise to the dead.
Wa sala-allahuma 'aa muhammed wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'een.
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Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Muhammad, Wa Ala Aaali Muhammed, Kama Sallayta Ala Ibrahim, Wa Ala Aaali Ibrahim, Innaka Hameedum Majeed...
Allahumma Barik Ala Muhammad, Wa Ala Aaali Muhammad, Kama Barakta Ala Ibrahim, Wa Ala Aaali Ibrahim, Innaka Hameedum Majeed!
Oh Allah! You are Rahman, You are Rahim, You are Arhamar-Rahimeen! My Lord! Uncover This world, from The Blanket Of Darkness and Ignorance! Remove the Disease of Acquiring more Power and Wealth, and replace it with the Blessing of Giving more Comfort and Kindness! Oh Allah! Help Those Muslims who Are Fighting in Your Way, The Mujaahideen! Oh Allah! Assist them wherever they are! Destroy the Disbelievers by their hands with Your Help!! Disintegrate those who are compelling Your worshippers to flee from their homes and from the true faith! My Lord! Have Mercy on the Muslims suffering in Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Bangladesh, Burma, America, Britain and all over the world!! Oh Allah! Cover this entire world with the Blanket of Calmness and Coolness of the Hearts! Please forgive us for our misdeeds and Help us overcome the Dwellers of Hell! Verily, You are the Hearer of the Distressed!
Wa Sallillahu Ala Sayyidina, Habibina, Qudwatina, Wa Imamina, Muhammad! Wa Ala Aaalihi, Wa Ashaabihi Ajma'een! Birahmatika , Ya Arhamar-Rahimeen! Ameen Ya Rabbal-Aalameen!
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Please everyone I am asking you to pray for Egypt that all this violence is over soon...
No one understands exactly what is happening, so we just need to pray to Allah to help Egypt.
Thank You.
Please tag your friends here as well

May Allah give peace to Egypt soon...In shaa Allah....i'll surely pray 4 ur country sis.
one ov ma frnd went to Egypt 4 vacation....she said it was horrible there she didnt enjoy at all....i understand the mess......dont worry u will get ur country back In shaa Allah!
1357911 JazakAllah 4 the tag :)
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Assalamu alaikum warahmathulahi wabarakathuhu dear viewers :)
Firstly -----Subhaanak Allahumma wa bihamdika Ash Shadu an Laa ilaha illa anta; wastagfiruka wa atoobu ilayk. Aameen :) ya rabb

Allahumma aslih Ummata Muhammad SAWS
Allahumma farrij'an Ummati Muhammad SAWS
Allahumma rahm Ummata Muhammad SAWS

Ya Allah, Ya Atheem, Ya Kabeer, Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem, Ya Aziz, Wa Jaleel please help the entire Muslim Ummah in all of our problems both daily and protect us from the shaitan. Please keep us united and strong, and make us pass all of Your tests and oppose the tyrants and give us taqwa. Aameen. Ya Malik.. May your blessing fall deeply among the hurt and give them the strength to face any calamity in their life.....
Ya rabb...give us the shifa to heel the muslims victims..and Make them fall into de category of ur beloved ones :) ya Mujeeb...give the muslim brothers and sisters in Egypt and even all f the muslim coutries their patience to withstand the disaster happening now and grace them to face victory....
Ya Allah My heart cries for them and I feel the suffering for them So may u be the only protector ( wali ) and comfort them against the opressors. Aameen Aameen Aameen ya rabbb....
Sis plz dnt b wrrd...Allah is alwys by our side....hez de bst knower f everything....so let it b on hs hand....and May he be de best decider f de whole man kind :)
Because u c...Allah SWT sys

“If Allah helps you, none can overcome you: If He forsakes you, who is there after that, that can help you? In Allah then, let the Believers put their trust.”

“Say: Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us: He is our Protector: And on Allah let the believers put their trust.”

“And put they trust on the exalted in Might, the Merciful.”

“…Then when thou hast taken a decision put they trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)”

So lets put our complete trust on him my dear sistr :) May we all b bleesed in dis dunya and the ahkirah...Aameen :)
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Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Muhammad, Wa Ala Aaali Muhammed, Kama Sallayta Ala Ibrahim, Wa Ala Aaali Ibrahim, Innaka Hameedum Majeed...
Allahumma Barik Ala Muhammad, Wa Ala Aaali Muhammad, Kama Barakta Ala Ibrahim, Wa Ala Aaali Ibrahim, Innaka Hameedum Majeed!
Oh Allah! You are Rahman, You are Rahim, You are Arhamar-Rahimeen! My Lord! Uncover This world, from The Blanket Of Darkness and Ignorance! Remove the Disease of Acquiring more Power and Wealth, and replace it with the Blessing of Giving more Comfort and Kindness! Oh Allah! Help Those Muslims who Are Fighting in Your Way, The Mujaahideen! Oh Allah! Assist them wherever they are! Destroy the Disbelievers by their hands with Your Help!! Disintegrate those who are compelling Your worshippers to flee from their homes and from the true faith! My Lord! Have Mercy on the Muslims suffering in Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Bangladesh, Burma, America, Britain and all over the world!! Oh Allah! Cover this entire world with the Blanket of Calmness and Coolness of the Hearts! Please forgive us for our misdeeds and Help us overcome the Dwellers of Hell! Verily, You are the Hearer of the Distressed!
Wa Sallillahu Ala Sayyidina, Habibina, Qudwatina, Wa Imamina, Muhammad! Wa Ala Aaalihi, Wa Ashaabihi Ajma'een! Birahmatika , Ya Arhamar-Rahimeen! Ameen Ya Rabbal-Aalameen!

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Assalamu alaikum warahmathulahi wabarakathuhu dear viewers :)
Firstly -----Subhaanak Allahumma wa bihamdika Ash Shadu an Laa ilaha illa anta; wastagfiruka wa atoobu ilayk. Aameen :) ya rabb

Allahumma aslih Ummata Muhammad SAWS
Allahumma farrij'an Ummati Muhammad SAWS
Allahumma rahm Ummata Muhammad SAWS

Ya Allah, Ya Atheem, Ya Kabeer, Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem, Ya Aziz, Wa Jaleel please help the entire Muslim Ummah in all of our problems both daily and protect us from the shaitan. Please keep us united and strong, and make us pass all of Your tests and oppose the tyrants and give us taqwa. Aameen. Ya Malik.. May your blessing fall deeply among the hurt and give them the strength to face any calamity in their life.....
Ya rabb...give us the shifa to heel the muslims victims..and Make them fall into de category of ur beloved ones :) ya Mujeeb...give the muslim brothers and sisters in Egypt and even all f the muslim coutries their patience to withstand the disaster happening now and grace them to face victory....
Ya Allah My heart cries for them and I feel the suffering for them So may u be the only protector ( wali ) and comfort them against the opressors. Aameen Aameen Aameen ya rabbb....
Sis plz dnt b wrrd...Allah is alwys by our side....hez de bst knower f everything....so let it b on hs hand....and May he be de best decider f de whole man kind :)
Because u c...Allah SWT sys

“If Allah helps you, none can overcome you: If He forsakes you, who is there after that, that can help you? In Allah then, let the Believers put their trust.”

“Say: Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us: He is our Protector: And on Allah let the believers put their trust.”

“And put they trust on the exalted in Might, the Merciful.”

“…Then when thou hast taken a decision put they trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)”

So lets put our complete trust on him my dear sistr :) May we all b bleesed in dis dunya and the ahkirah...Aameen :)
