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Hey guys
I was wondering how the results marksheet looks like for AS level?
Maybe those who have given AS level last year and are doing A2 now could help me out?

So this year I am doing (well i have finished most of my exams)
-Maths (9709 - 12 and 42)
- Biology (9700 - 12,22,33)
And same as biology for Chem (9701) and Physics (9702)

So on our results sheet do we see all the components within the subject?
For example if I pick Maths
Will I see different grades for
- 1. P1 9709/12 exam
-2. P4 9709/42 exam
and then an overall grade?
or will just ONLY see the overall grade for the whole 9709 component?

Similarly for science
Will I see different grades for
- 1. P1 9700/12 exam
-2. P2 9700/22 exam
-3. P3 9700/33 exam
and then an overall grade?
or will just ONLY see the overall grade for the whole 9700 component?

I will find out in a few months but it would be helpful if I could know now :p