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The Judgement Day and The people of Hell

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Their hands are tied to their necks… They are chained… Their faces are ablaze… Their food is thorny plants and Zaqqum… Their drink is boiling water and pus… Their clothes are made of fire… Their shirts are made of tar… Their whips are made of iron… Their beds are made of iron… Boiling water is poured onto their heads; their skins and abdomens are melt by it… They try to leave that place and to be saved but there is no way out!.. They have only one desire and hope: to die and to disappear…

Who are they?

“When hellfire sees them from a place far off, they will hear its fury and its raging sigh. (al-Furqan:12)

“And when they are cast, bound together, into a constricted place therein, they will plead for destruction there and then.” (al-Furqan:13)

“(They are addressed) “This day plead not for a single destruction: plead for destruction oft-repeated!” (al-Furqan:14)

“Say: "Is that best, or the eternal Garden, promised to the righteous?" (al-Furqan:15)

“For them that is a reward as well as a goal (or attainment).” (al-Furqan:15)

In this work, we will try to describe Hell with the help of God Almighty. We will address our own soul. We will talk to the soul and try to show it the result of its heedlessness and rebellion. We hope that it will take lessons, repent and worship modestly the Being who has a prison like Hell. We will show our soul the verses of the Quran and the hadiths of our Prophet (pbuh) and talk to it. As we have said our addressee is our soul. We are talking to nobody but with our soul. We know that we are the ones that need to take lessons from the verses that will be mentioned. If you want to make your soul classmates with our soul, watch this work by regarding yourselves as addressees. May Allah give complete guidance to us and to you, and make this work as a means of salvation for us!

Now it is time to listen to the Quran… O my soul! Look! Listen to what the Quran says and take lessons:

“For them will be cut out a garment of Fire: over their heads will be poured out boiling water. With it will be scalded what is within their bodies, as well as (their) skins. In addition there will be maces of iron (to punish) them. Every time they wish to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will be forced back therein, and (it will be said), "Taste ye the Penalty of Burning!” (al-Hajj 19-22)

The Prophet (pbuh) states the following for the phrase "boiling water" mentioned in the verse: The boiling water will definitely be thrown onto their heads and it will penetrate their skulls. Consequently, it will reach their abdomens. It will tear into pieces what is in their abdomens and reach their feet. This is called melting. Then, they will be returned to their previous state. (Tirmidhi Jahannam 4 / Ibn Kathir)

The Prophet (pbuh) states the following for the phrase "maces of iron" mentioned in the verse: “If a mace of iron were sent to the earth and if all people and jinn came together to lift it, they would not be able to lift it.” (Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal / Ibn Kathir)

He states the following in another hadith: If a mountain were hit by a mace of iron, the mountain would be broken into pieces. If a pail of blood and pus coming from the people of Hell were to be poured onto the earth, it would make the people of the world stink horribly. (Imam Ahmad, Abu Said al-Khudri / Ibn Kathir)

Ibn Abbas states the following for "maces of iron": They will be hit by the mace of iron; every organ that is hit will break apart. Then, they will pray Allah to be destroyed. (Ibn Kathir)

Said b. Jubayr states the following for "garments of fire": Of fire means of copper. These garments are made of molten copper. No pan of metal causes more heat than copper when it is heated. (al-Jamiu li-l Ahkami-l Qur’an)

Oh my soul! You have heard about the torture of your Lord from the verses. You have also heard the hadiths describing the torture. Can you put up with wearing a garment of fire? Can you bear boiling water being poured onto your head and your body being melted with it? How will you be able to resist the mace of iron that breaks a mountain into pieces with one blow? Or, do you have any doubts about the words of Allah and the news of the Quran? If you say, "I am a Muslim", you cannot have any doubts. Then, what do you rely on? Come on! Come to your senses; repent now, not tomorrow; promise that you will never commit sins again. If Allah wills, your promise will be regarded as repentance for your previous sins and a means of salvation from the torture described above…

What kind of a fire is hellfire?

“Has the story reached thee, of the Overwhelming (Event)? Some faces, that Day, will be humiliated, Labouring (hard) weary― The while they enter the Blazing Fire― The while they are given, to drink, of a boiling hot spring, No food will there be for them but a bitter Dhari Which will neither nourish nor satisfy hunger. (al-Ghashiya 1-7)

The Prophet (pbuh) states the following about hellfire:

“Hellfire was burnt for one thousand years. It became red. Then, it was burnt for another one thousand years and it became white. Then, it was burnt for another one thousand years. Now, it is black and dark.” (It was reported from Abu Hurayr. Tirmidhi, Muwatta)

“Hellfire is black and dark like night.” (Bayhaqi)

The Prophet (pbuh) asked Jibril (Gabriel) to describe him hellfire. He described it as follows: “Allah ordered the fire of hell to burn for one thousand years and it became red. Then, it burned for one thousand years and became yellow. Then, it burned for another one thousand years and became black. It is now black and full of darkness; it is scorching hot. If a person burning in it were shown to the people on the earth, they would faint and die due to its bad smell and terrible appearance.” (Ihya Ulum’id-Din)

Now, we will report a long hadith narrated by Abu Darda. Half of this hadith includes verses.

"The people of Hell are exposed to hunger. It becomes equal to the level of the torture they are exposed to. They ask help against hunger. They are given some thorny plants that are not nutritious and that do not eliminate hunger. They ask for food again. This time, they are given some food that sticks in their throat. It is stuck there; it does not move forward or backward. Then, they remember that they used to drink water when something stuck in their throat in the world and ask for some drink. They are given boiling water in pots with iron hooks. When these pots are approached to their faces, they brand their faces. When the water enters their stomachs, it rips their stomachs to pieces… Those in the Fire will say to the Keepers of Hell, "Pray to your Lord to lighten us the Penalty for a Day (at least)!" The angels will say, "Did there not come to you your messengers with Clear Signs?" They will say, "Yes." They will reply, "Then pray (as ye like) but the Prayer of those without Faith is nothing But (futile wandering) in (mazes of) error.“ They will cry: "O Malik! Would that thy Lord put and end to us!" He will say "Nay but ye shall abide!" A’mash, one of the narrators of the hadith, says, “I was told that one thousand years will pass between the demands of the people of Hell from Malik and Malik's answer to them… This time, the people of Hell will talk to one another and say, “Let us Pray our Lord; there is nobody better than Him for us. They will beg as follows, "Our Lord! Our misfortune overwhelmed us, and we became a people astray! Our Lord! Bring us out of this: if ever we return (to evil), then shall we be wrongdoers indeed!" Lord will say, "Be ye driven into Hell (with ignominy)! and speak ye not to Me! The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “Upon this answer, the people of Hell lose all of their hope; they start to sob, repent, beat their chests and tear their clothes.” (Tirmidhi, Jahannam 4)

O my soul! You have heard a bit about the state of the fire that sinners will be exposed to. You have learned about the thorny plants that they will eat and that stick to their throats. You have heard how they begged angels of Hell and God Almighty. You have heard our Lord say to them, "Never speak to me again!" O my soul! Will you still continue committing sins? Will you still insist on rebelling? Can you bear the torture you have heard about? You cannot even put up with hearing that torture. How will you put up with the torture itself? Can you imagine your regret if you die today? What you have heard is true. Allah's promise is true. Come on, repent, shed tears, ask for forgiveness and promise not to commit sins again. Our Lord is the Forgiver and the Generous. He will forgive our sins and accept us as His slaves…

May Allah Guide us to the right path and keep us away from the Hell... Ameen

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Whenever you read about the punishments of Hell, a sort of fear grasps you, and reminds you of the purpose of your existence.
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Whenever you read about the punishments of Hell, a sort of fear grasps you, and reminds you of the purpose of your existence.
I knw...we shud always study abt our religion to keep our Iman fresh ...
and Ameen :)