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The Western World Is 'Finished Financially and economically.

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The economic decline is inevitable not just for the west but pretty much the whole world, however I totally disagree with your opinion that it will happen within a few years. The low oil price is here to stay, huge countries like China are stocking up on oil which is why it is now 65ish it is very unlikely it will ever go above 90 in the next 5 or so years. With low oil prices the west is quite secure. However its very clear that we certainly cant keep up this madness of consumerism notjust in the west but in the whole world. And any chances of a nuclear war will probably be for resources, which I think we wont worry about too much for the next 30/40 years, even though we should cause we jusst dont have climate change but also sea level rise in the near future. And with republicans not allowing Obama to do anything about this, we are screwed. And btw climate change will actually probably benefit countries like russia and canada because with higher temperatures they can grow more and spend less on electricity for heating. So it would be wrong to say climate change will negatively effect most of the world, rather it will effect(negatively) places where most of the population lies china, india etc. Btw im new to the forum an thought climate change would be a great start!:p:p:p
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It isnt the east i on amaive bloom, there is more than enough food for everyone worldwide, its just weve let tyrants run our countries, it maybe too late before anthing serious cna be done now but the east will grow and west decline.


we are controlled by group like this:



They use divide and rule to conquer,
False flag attacks (etc wtc attack) (
). Buildings DO NOT fall like this it was a inside job to get a reaction out of americica to invade iraq. MOst of this group own all the Central Banks and big Corps

There method is called;

Problem, Reaction. Solution

Problem = ISIS (created by USA and Israel)
Reaction = kill them there terrorists
Solution: bomb Syria (they wanted to bomb it to get Assad out of power) So they are getting what thty want...(notice how they refused to use soldiers?)

Alot of people have caught on about whats really going on and there riots everywhere in the EU, UK and USA.
