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Um...well I.. the thing is... uhm

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The topic of course is voting… or the lack of it...
There are many a forums discussing whom to vote and why vote to a particular party. We are even abusing other parties and campaigning for the ones we support. But this thread is addressed to those who keep on insisting they do not believe in politics. That they do not vote. People who want martial law or khilafat instead of democracy and thus they do not cast their vote.

In my opinion casting vote in this era of madness is as important as striving to get a better country, if you want democracy… you won’t get it by sitting home. If you want khilafat… you still won’t get it by sitting idle. To make the change necessary to take Pakistan to the height of development and prosperity it is very important that the young generation votes.

To those who say all political parties are alike… I’d like to ask them… does there sitting at home makes their position better?
To those who want martial law… I’d like to ask… do they get dictatorship by boycotting elections.
To those who say we want khilafat … I’d like to ask… would they get khilafat by sitting at home.
Or would the government notice them boycotting when they don’t care about them dying of hunger and terrorism and the ever increasing recession?
Do you think these changes would ever come if at all if we sit at home abusing the changing governments?

No dear fellows no…. in fact I don’t even need to tell you what will happen… aren't the past five years a reminder enough?
Nothing happens in one day, if you are expecting to get up one day and find yourself in a new and improved Pakistan. In my opinion bad government replaced for better government, a more caring one who will at least listen to our clauses and ponder upon them. Will at least be better than the ones who are going to come if we don’t vote!
Because according to Islam if we stay quiet and keep taking the oppression… we shall be as bad as the oppressor.
My vote… my share in the change... Your vote … your choice…
Don’t waste it!
