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University prospects for european/scandanavian/nordic countries


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I’d like to know what the possibilities there are regarding higher education in central European, Scandinavian, or Nordic countries, if anyone can give me a valued opinion on it, or guide me from here.

So far, from the information that I’ve gained and what I’ve heard, most countries like so have education that’s either free, or at very affordable rates. There are exceptions, but examples are Finland which has free education, or Norway where education cost is as little as NOK600 (Rs.9923) per semester, or Austria that has its costs at €360 (Rs.46995) per semester, which is still quite affordable. Livings costs are, though, about as much as any foreign country.

However, there’s the setback of having to learn the native language of the country for your studies, which is mandatory, with the exception of courses that are available in English, which I found to be limited and uninteresting or just not suited to what I wish to study. But again, the lower cost and other certain things lead me to consider this option. But I’d like to know if there are other things that I should know if I am to go for this option which include how to apply, semester dates, and the necessary papers for respective countries etc.