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What is happening to Muslim Ummah !! :(

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Well..I have created this thread to discuss that why we r weakning ourselves within....
Muslims are killing each other ...
Even tough our Islam condemns us to kill Any innocent human even he/she belongs to any other religion .....
Even Muslims are killing each bcuz they belong to different sect....
I don't know why we r forgetting that we come under one banner that is :
La ilaha ilala Muhammad-ur- Rasulallah
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
We all recite one Kalima, We Have one God and Last messenger , we have one book....
So we can't declare anyone is true muslim or not because their beliefs and deeds are with Allah and He is the one who will judge....so who we r to say anything about them....
In many countries this fire is catching more power and is spreading evrywhere :(
I don't know what is going to happen with us...as we r destroying ourselves....
How we r going to face non-muslim forces if they attack us.. :(
In Sistan and Balouchistan province in Iran sunnis are being killed and even some sunni mosques have been destroyed, and some sunni scholar hav been excuted...cuz they are Sunnis :(
In Afghanistan from both side ppl are being killed as Afghani shia's are supported by Iran and Sunnis by Saudi Arabia and pakistan :(
In Pakistan shia killing has been started sadly :(

Unfortunately these problems are getting boost and are rising in every Muslim country….May Allah Give us peace, Ameen

On the whole, the aim of thread is that if Muslims kept on fighting it is going to be terrible + non-Muslims will take advantage of this…And will take over the whole Muslim Ummah…
We need to stop & work for the betterment of the Muslim Ummah despite the differences….
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Yeah i get what you mean, its awful that innocent people are being killed and its even worse when Muslims are killing Muslims :(
And it is Haram for people to kill other people as they do not have right to take away life,and the only Allah alone has every right to take away life :(
People torture and commit murder to other people due to their own amusement,as if it is their own personal gain to be labeled as a murderer. They hope to gain political power over the people to feel stronger but the murderer is actually labelled evil for example, Bashar Al Assad killing Sunni Muslims in Syria.
We,as true believers should not fear of being murdered as the Almighty Allah will protect us from all evil and will prepare a severe punishment for the murders who destroy innocent lives. :(
So do not fear and remember that Allah the all-knowing and is here to protect you,all of us,the true believers and the whole world. :)
And yes you are correct,who are we to accuse these murders of not being true muslims? but who are they taking away innocent peoples lives and commiting one of the rules considered to be Haram: We,as humans have no right to kill people for only the power of the Almighty can... these murders disobey Allah and kill people for their amusement. so i ask again...
who are they to kill these innocent people and have enough strength to commit enough awful sins to displease Allah? Murdering people is not a sign of a true Muslim
Never fear for Allah will prepare a severe punishment for those who murder,He is the all forgiving but these people will pay for their sins with the hell fire.

La ilaha ilala Muhammad-ur- Rasulallah
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
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Ofcourse Allah (S.W.T) will ask from those ppl who are killing .
I'm ready to sacrifice my life for Betterment of Muslims...but the problem is :
Even giving life is not gonna effect them untill or unless Allah will not show them the guideness...
Or unless they do not turn to true Islam...and are ready to accept all muslims of different sect under 1 name that's Islam...
we can only do is to pray to Allah...and He is the one who is going to listen...
Just continue to pray and Don't lose ur hope...
As I've a hope that 1 day We will shine again...Inshallah :)
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Love Islam
i think posting the links like the one you have done above brings in further dispute, we need to stop comparing. That in itself can aid in stopping the disputes between sunni and shi'a.......we can't use governments to explain situations.....we need to realise that this is what the enemy wants, they want us to start noticing our differences rather than our similarities, they want us to make comparisons.
Moreover are you absolutely certain about the authenticity of that article you've posted?? Remember we are answerable for our actions and can't spread information without verifying it's truthfulness.
Lastly, we should really start spreading messages about how similar we are, and show the enemy that regardless of their intentions, we will stay united! inshaAllah.
PS: I am not being biased to any side at all, just expressing my opinions. and thank you for creating this thread, it allows us to actually think, what really is happening to the Muslim Ummah? Where are we going??
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Love Islam
i think posting the links like the one you have done above brings in further dispute, we need to stop comparing. That in itself can aid in stopping the disputes between sunni and shi'a.......we can't use governments to explain situations.....we need to realise that this is what the enemy wants, they want us to start noticing our differences rather than our similarities, they want us to make comparisons.
Moreover are you absolutely certain about the authenticity of that article you've posted?? Remember we are answerable for our actions and can't spread information without verifying it's truthfulness.
Lastly, we should really start spreading messages about how similar we are, and show the enemy that regardless of their intentions, we will stay united! inshaAllah.
PS: I am not being biased to any side at all, just expressing my opinions. and thank you for creating this thread, it allows us to actually think, what really is happening to the Muslim Ummah? Where are we going??

Dear Soldier313 first of all , Everyone has different intension when they post...
And my intension was not to bring further dispute between Muslims but My aim was that we should stop killing each other...And to realise the muslims that what is happening in everywhere and to be sorry for their behaviour...And I know that no one is aware that what is happening in Iran with sunnis and what is happening with shias in Saudi Arabia...
For the authencity ... Well I'll like to say that it's written by the one who is living there in Iran....So He is more aware about the conditions and He is the well known Sunni scholar as well... even such sunni sites are banned in Iran no one can access these sites in Iran...As my friend she was not able to do so....

Note; According to ur wish I've removed this link :) And I have added some more information as well...
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have u heard about whats happenin in syria! the muslims are calling for one state under islam but bashar ul asad does not want this to happen so he and his worshippers (yes they worship that dog!) are going around killing muslims. the voice for the truth has arisen and inshallah Allah will grant the muslims victory.
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Dear Soldier313 first of all , Everyone has different intension when they post...
And my intension was not to bring further dispute between Muslims but My aim was that we should stop killing each other...And to realise the muslims that what is happening in everywhere and to be sorry for their behaviour...And I know that no one is aware that what is happening in Iran with sunnis and what is happening with shias in Saudi Arabia...
For the authencity ... Well I'll like to say that it's written by the one who is living there in Iran....So He is more aware about the conditions and He is the well known Sunni scholar as well... even such sunni sites are banned in Iran no one can access these sites in Iran...As my friend she was not able to do so....

Note; According to ur wish I've removed this link :) And I have added some more information as well...

thank you so much for responding positively.
As you stated there truly is a need for awareness about the on-going situations.

thanx for removing the link as i believe that stating who are being killed more, causes the gap between the 2 sects to widen.

and once again about the authenticity, i believe that i personally can't be certain that the person writing that article actually lives in Iran. Secondly, i respect the fact that he might be a well-known sunni scholar however, i do not believe that all of the information must be true.

We can't trust information on the net, we need to verify as i stated before.

InshaAllah may Allah help all our fellow muslims around the world and may the Muslims unite.
Allahumma aslih kulla faasidin min umuril muslimeen. Amen
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Muslim leaders are following dunya and not Islam..thats the major problem. If one of them fears allah today they would have moved armies to protect the Syrian people, the Muslims in Burma, and most importantly to free Palestine but look at them today.
None of them has the guts to do that simply because he's afraid of U.s.a and Israel. Subhanllah, at the time of the prophet (S.A.W) he would move a whole army just becoz a Muslim man or woman was killed or even disgraced by a non-Muslim..where are our leaders from all of this??
I'll give an example..Im sudanese. Our president Omer Al Bashir since the start of the revolution in Syria didnt condemn the voilence against civilians in Syria..Why??
Simply because he doesn't want to loose the support of Russia and China who are strong allies of Bashaar Al Assads regime..Not only him but all the Muslim leaders today simply don't pay much attention to the massacres that are taking place in Syria..even the recently elected Egyptian president up to now didn't comment meaning that the Syrian people are to face death and the international community simply doesn't care.. I ask Allah to forgive us for letting them down.
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Muslim leaders are following dunya and not Islam..thats the major problem. If one of them fears allah today they would have moved armies to protect the Syrian people, the Muslims in Burma, and most importantly to free Palestine but look at them today.
None of them has the guts to do that simply because he's afraid of U.s.a and Israel. Subhanllah, at the time of the prophet (S.A.W) he would move a whole army just becoz a Muslim man or woman was killed or even disgraced by a non-Muslim..where are our leaders from all of this??
I'll give an example..Im sudanese. Our president Omer Al Bashir since the start of the revolution in Syria didnt condemn the voilence against civilians in Syria..Why??
Simply because he doesn't want to loose the support of Russia and China who are strong allies of Bashaar Al Assads regime..Not only him but all the Muslim leaders today simply don't pay much attention to the massacres that are taking place in Syria..even the recently elected Egyptian president up to now didn't comment meaning that the Syrian people are to face death and the international community simply doesn't care.. I ask Allah to forgive us for letting them down.

That's true ....Our leaders don't want to loose support of Western powers , that's why they do everything what they say...
Our leaders have forgotten that they will also die and go back to Allah and will be questioned by Allah for what they are doing...
That's why our leaders only listen to USA and has destroyed our country bcuz of this our Pakistan is being destroyed....
Our country also did not stand for Burmese muslim nor gave any statement regarding this issue as Iran and turkey did, and even they provided aid.......Even tough our ppl are sad on these which to give aid but there is no way.... :(

I don't know when they will come true Islam :(
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That's true ....Our leaders don't want to loose support of Western powers , that's why they do everything what they say...
Our leaders have forgotten that they will also die and go back to Allah and will be questioned by Allah for what they are doing...
That's why our leaders only listen to USA and has destroyed our country bcuz of this our Pakistan is being destroyed....
Our country also did not stand for Burmese muslim nor gave any statement regarding this issue as Iran and turkey did, and even they provided aid.......Even tough our ppl are sad on these which to give aid but there is no way.... :(

I don't know when they will come true Islam :(
Soon inshallah we will witness such leaders.
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In our country there are some parties who can change our conditions…but our ppl always vote those who are the most corrupted ppl, I hope this time our nation does not vote such pples bcuz what they have done with other country has never happened to us before. :(
Maybe the people who vote for them don't realize they are corrupt?
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Soon inshallah we will witness such leaders.
Inshallah with the establishment of the islamic ruling system i.e khilafah there will be leaders like those in the time of the Prophet who will be loyal to their country instead of joining hand with the enemies of islam
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No actually
In Pakistan most ppl vote by seeing that whether person belongs to their caste or their city or province not by seeing the person’s character….that’s why our country is now in a critical situation :(
the vote of the ppl does not matter, the whit house already decides who will come next. America is the puppeteer snd whoever may come will only be a puppet blindly adhering to what they are told by the US.
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the vote of the ppl does not matter, the whit house already decides who will come next. America is the puppeteer snd whoever may come will only be a puppet blindly adhering to what they are told by the US.

Even u r correct dear but also many people do not vote so then those do not vote....their votes are used and they give to those ppl who will be the most good servant of America....bcuz they r supported by America:mad:
Don't say that dear I don't want Zardari yanni his ppp party should come back...
Imran khan (tahrikay Insaf) is most suitable for now :) preferable after this Islami Jamhuri party cuz their members all r educated...what do u think ?
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thank you so much for responding positively.
As you stated there truly is a need for awareness about the on-going situations.

thanx for removing the link as i believe that stating who are being killed more, causes the gap between the 2 sects to widen.

and once again about the authenticity, i believe that i personally can't be certain that the person writing that article actually lives in Iran. Secondly, i respect the fact that he might be a well-known sunni scholar however, i do not believe that all of the information must be true.

We can't trust information on the net, we need to verify as i stated before.

InshaAllah may Allah help all our fellow muslims around the world and may the Muslims unite.
Allahumma aslih kulla faasidin min umuril muslimeen. Amen

Sis Soldier313 I have seen photos and have read news about Sustan-Balouchistan where the killing is happening....in Iran
But still leave this article authencity and go on ;)....for what reason I've made this thread we r suppose to discuss that topic but not about the article :)