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XPC : Important

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Praise be to Allah and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger and upon his family and companions.

It seems many of the members don't give any regard to the rules of the site . Members are constantly violating rules and transgressing limits . Take the ''24 hour'' rule for example. After every paper , a thread is made so members can discuss the difficulty of the exam . While this is a good practice , and members are able to relax once they share about how their paper really went , the thread usually turns into a discussion on the answers.

Members please take note , and be a bit more sensible. You have already given your paper , and there is no point in discussing the answers . You can't do anything about it now . Just do it and forget it . Leave the checking for the examiner . We have no right to say that such and such of answers are correct or are wrong . All your doing is getting more tensed .

But this is not the only matter. I have started to notice that more threads are being locked. At some of them were really very good and useful .
Refrain from getting into fights . Every member is seen fighting with someone these days . Muslims are a brotherhood , and it is not right or acceptable to fight , argue , envy , humiliate or harshly treat each other.

Then is the topic of going Off Topic . Members start discussing things anywhere on the site. Keep in mind that there is a place and a time for every conversation . Don't start personal conversations on threads . Threads are made to discuss one particular topic . Punctuality is a good trait . Try to adopt it . Use PM or the user profiles to have conversations .

Yesterday , i came across a thread that was created by a member. The first post went something like this :
'' discuss the paper here . against orders , but i don't care ''
This is sad . This shows how much respect the members have for the Moderation Team! Drop such attitudes .

''Obey Allah , and His Messenger , and those charged with authority among you.... '' (4.59)

I know this is a very long post . But these are important points . I see the Moderators , going on a number of threads , asking the members to follow rules and maintain order , but the members don't pay any attention to them . Rules are made to be followed .

I ask the members to maintain order and not act cool by trying to break the rules . If they do , the Admins as well as the Moderators have the complete right to ban them and I for one will support them if they do !
Respect the Moderators .

A rule is a rule , and you gotta follow it. If you don't , it doesn't matter how many messages you posted , how many likes you have , how social you are , how impressed everyone is with you , you'll get banned . Plain and Simple! And the Moderators don't just ban , if you have ever witnessed a ban you would know that the reputation of the member is crushed , grinded and demolished first and then he is banned . So no banned account has ever died a Warrior's Death :)

The Present Moderation team is a bit lenient . The previous team was very strict and we , oldies , remember how hard they were on us. We couldn't even dare speak a word against the rules. So don't take this leniency for granted .They won't hesitate to go strict .

In addition to this i would request the members to read the forum rules :

Please take this seriously ! Don't invoke the Moderators .
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Likewise it also happened with me the day before yesterday =( "First Frnd on XPC" was Been made a ShoutBox rather than discussing the Topic and the Staff member's had given 5 warning's.
.:coffee: Mod's Should Directly Ban the LawBreaker after 2 warning's
Yes Your right it is not a normal banned but in this ban Admin's or Mod's Can even Block Your IP address from further coming to XPC and lastly you Image is distorted :cool: