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Bro ! In some questions not in all
No sir, it is! I thought so too, but i was told that if you want a A or a B it isnt but if you want to strive for an A* then you have to.
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Bro ! In some questions not in all
Ms. Ariba has written an excellent advise, I would completely agree with nothing to add, other than this very cheap book (Rs.90 from old bookshops) called Mastering O level Islamiyat. In bullet points, it offers all those specific, A* material points that give you the exuberance of achieving more than an A.
I used to get E and U and D grades for all two years i studied Isl (Sir Muzamil teaches us at LGS Johar Town), and I got an A*. Believing in yourself counts more than you may think. I had memorized upto six quotes per question, but I suggest everyone to NOT study 'Question by question' but topic by topic. The examiner may ask you about Prophets leadership qualities in battles and NOT major events of two battles. the perspective variation can only be addressed if you have concise knowledge about the whole event rather than specifications extracted from a past paper question. Past papers should only be done to test time and material management.
Spend a good 2 minutes writing with a pencil keywords that are required by every question you decide to solve, in chronological order. Such as dates, names, para divisions etc. Otherwise you will lose track of time (biggest issue for me), or write unnecessary stuff. No question is supposed to take you more than 18 mins if you write reasonably fast. If it is, you are doing something wrong. I took two complete booklets for my exam and still managed to get it done with 20 minutes to leave, and practice made it all possible. Aim for a distinction. I memorized atleast 3 but preferably 6-7 quotes for each topic. Use ones that could be applied in several topics.
A is easy in islamiyat. An A* is based on the impression you leave upon them. It's (for me) the toughest subject in O levels, take it VERY seriously, there are not short cuts and Universities in Muslim Nations will seldom prefer you if you do badly. Just ACE it, good luck guys!
You wrote amazing things :') I have the Mastering O levels Islamiyat book in PDF form.
Thanks For agreeing with me !!!!!!! it Depends on you whether to write verses or not!!!!! simply by providing a verse u seal your point as relevant and examiner will not be reluctant in giving you marks!!!!!!!No sir, it is! I thought so too, but i was told that if you want a A or a B it isnt but if you want to strive for an A* then you have to.
Your Welcome ^_^U guys Wrote AmAzing Tips!!!!!! thanks a million!!!!!!!!
Thanks For agreeing with me !!!!!!! it Depends on you whether to write verses or not!!!!! simply by providing a verse u seal your point as relevant and examiner will not be reluctant in giving you marks!!!!!!!
for islamiyat just try to dig in and increase ur general knowledge coz they can give anything anything in the paper they wont stick 2 the syllabus i gave my paper last year and they gave us a weird out of syllabus sort of a question GAWD that it was compulsory very nerve wrecking anyways i got an A*
Support all ur answers frm references of Quran and Hadith u get marks for that and i wud advise u to study from Yasmin Maliks new addition i ratafied that book completely its very helpful
thnx u helped me alotFor all those who need help for islamiat i have a few tips which helped me get an A*
Best of Luck ^_____^
- Read alot of material. Don't stick to Farkhanda Noor or any common book which everyone uses.
- The CIE examiners know that most of the people giving islamiat are muslims and know that we know basic stuff and general stuff. Try to search up things which are hardly known by the average student. For example you could mention the time of the revelation and date, you could mention that Warqah bin Naufil was blind and vulnerable and had left paganism for Christianity when a question on the first revaltion comes up.
- Use reference verses along with the surah and ayat number or Hadis Book in every part of a question. this gives a good impression to the examiner which shows that you know how to prove your knowledge with a AUTHORITATIVE Quote.
- Dont forget to mention the ayat and surah number or Hadis Book cause it gives u an edge.
- Practice past papers extensively and make sure you do every question. Atleast make sure you have all the points in the ms in ur answer. Additional points will give you an advantage.
- Practice your writing speed. The more elaboration, the better.
- Dont miss out on any topic, last year and in 2004-5 new questions/ topics never part of the syllabus came up
- If possible buy a book named when the moon split. This is a complete biography of the Prophet SAW. It is in detail and written beautifully.
- Believe in yourself. I was told that i would get a C. but i believed in myself and got an A*
- Recite duas like and pray to Allah for success
if you have any other questions you can ask![]()
thnx u helped me alot
can u plz send it to me at this i.d: [email protected]......... I'll be more than grateful to u!You wrote amazing things :') I have the Mastering O levels Islamiyat book in PDF form.
I seriously loved the tips by you guys! Thanks a million tons)
I am to appear in 2013 may/june session and I am really worried as to the answer pattern...islamiat questions dont have to be so long right? Its quality over quantity? how much time should be spent for islamiat a day since its in may/june 2013 should i start preparing, solving past papers now onwards or should i relax now.I am so tensed about my islamiatI really want opinions on my answers! If i post my answers on certain questions here..would you guys mind reading them and pinpointing my mistakes and lacking areas? And may I know if there is a website where i can find out the sample answers for islamiat questions
Start solving past papers now, don't stress yourself but don't completely relax. If you work now you can have an easier time later. I'm afraid I can't read your answers as I'm appearing for November 2012 Computer and English exams; but you should spend an hour a day, or rather solve one session's questions per two days; which means 5 questions over 2 days. In eight days you'll have completed one year's past papers, and in eighty days; ten years. Which is just less than nine months; so by January/February you'll have covered the past papers entirely, which leaves you to simply correct your mistakes and weak points.
And no, Islamiat answers should be between 2 and a half to 3 pages; Less than 3, more than 2. If you want an A* that is.
You don't need to buy past papers. Simply get the question paper off the internet, solve it and check with the marking scheme. Redspot covers one possible answer out of many different variations, so it is unreliable.thanks so much! and do you think I should use the redspot solved papers? I got them and am not sure if there answers are CIE standard?
hi , I am currently in 10-O and will have my Islmaiat O Level external exams in the May-June Session 2013, InshaAllah. I really loved the tips you presented in your conversation, and I have already downloaded the book when the moon split. It is a fantastic book. However, in my pre mocks exam, a question came
'Write breif accounts of the following events in the Life of the Prophet (S.A.W):
(i) Event of Taif
(ii) Event of the Conquest of Makkah
i gave full details of both these events as mentioned in the book, when the moon split. For example, I mentioned that the Prophet (S.A.W) went to Taif to preach Islam to the sons of Banu Thaqif tribe. I also mentioned that at Qarn Al Manazil, Angel Jibrael and the angel of the mountains came. I also mentioned the event at Nakhlah. For the Conquest of Makkah, I mentioned that the Prophet (S.A.W) went to Batn Adam to confuse the enemy, and many other details. However, I only got an 9/10. I was wondering that this one number was cut because at the Conquest of Makkah, in the Farkhanda Noor book, it mentions that the Prophet
(S.A.W) gave the Quraish three choices. However in the when the ... , it is mentioned that Abu Sufyan cam to Madina and talked to Umme Habiba, Hazrat Abu Bakr, Ali, and Umer (R.A). Which one should I write in the O Level External Paper?
And how can achieve a distinction or 14/14 in a question? Do the O Level examiners have lenient checking?
And can you also give a full account on the compliation of the Holy Quar'an?
Thanks alot
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