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Recent content by hard2face

  1. H

    Economics, Accounting & Business: Post your doubts here!

    i searched the whole OCR section on xtreme but didnt found tht typ ov question, plz post the link as soon as possible
  2. H

    Statistics Paper 62 -- How was it?!

    what was the answer for permutaion combination last part
  3. H

    Business Paper 12 tommorow

    i think there would be questions on emotional intelligence and leadership styles...
  4. H

    statistics doubt

    plz explain me part(ii) of the same question
  5. H

    statistics doubt

  6. H

    please help me in s1

    http://www.xtremepapers.com/papers/CIE/Cambridge%20International%20A%20and%20AS%20Level/Mathematics%20%289709%29/9709_w11_qp_62.pdf please explain Q3(b) and 4 to me
  7. H

    Paper 12 maths

    i made a mistake in finding the shaded area in integration, i got 1 limit correct but the other was wrong but i showed all the steps would i get any marks for it (if any then how much out of 4)
  8. H

    plz advice !!

    wht was ur grade in maths
  9. H

    plz advice !!

    thanks every1.. but i gave stats in o level so its gonna help me in S1 nd S2 ...my field is related to commerce so i think its gonna be helpful for me to take maths moreover it even has good credits
  10. H

    plz advice !!

    i havent given add maths in o levels should i take maths in a levels??
  11. H

    appearing pvt or through school?

    does appearing privately for a level affects our grades or it is the same as appearing through a school, what's better ?
  12. H

    percentile or fixed grades??

    thank God.. its there...
  13. H

    percentile or fixed grades??

    does percentile system still applies or are the grades fixed???????????
  14. H

    accounts paper 22

    what is threshold??
  15. H

    MATHS 4024 PAPER 22

    wht was d ans to the last question of distance tym graph, ( _______ arrived _______ minutes earlier then his brother)???