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  • Hello, hope this post find you well:) Could you send me papers of Chinese Literature A SL, English B HL, Economics HL, Biology HL and Math HL? If you can also send me Biology and Math question banks, it will be perfect! I wish I could also help you. Will send those you want when I have the resource:) Thank you so much. My email: [email protected] Have a nice day.
    Hey man i saw that you were giving out past papers.i wish i could help but I have notne.But i was wondering if you could help me and send me
    Biology, Chemistry and Math(All HL) Paper 1 and 2 for years 2012 and 2013 both may and november exams
    Biology Paper 3 HL 2012 and 2013 both may and november exams.
    that's 28 exams in total.I would appreciate it so much, thank you in advance.
    Email me at: [email protected]
    Hi, I heard that you're giving out IB papers. Can you give me papers (preferably 2009 onward, if you don't want to send them all) for the following subjects:

    HL Literature
    HL History
    HL Economics
    SL Biology
    SL Mathematics
    SL Mandarin B

    Send to [email protected]
    Thank you!

    P.S.: Oh, and questionbanks for any of the subjects above if you have them would be much appreciated.
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