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7th heaven ;)
7th heaven ;)
I agree that satan makes them do good so we get impressed and all... But who ARE YOU to decide that Satan made him to do this? And then.. U never know.. Maybe he like our religion.. Maybe he'll convert one day! THERE ARE CASES in which singers HAVE converted to Islam..
7th heaven ;)
7th heaven ;)
U never know what others' intentions are! Don't u alwas say 'Allah jnows the best?' so MAYBE it ISN'T satan... IF he is taking a step towards our religion by respecting it.. Aren't ppl suppose to appreciate and encourage? And show our friendly side?
7th heaven ;)
7th heaven ;)
And then... All that newspaper an evrything u said... Is OVER EXAGGERATION.... Here i am ONLY talking about 'appreciating' and their good work...

PS: That 'FATWA' waala part was lame! Bcs the meaning of the while thing is pretty evident!
PPS: i see that u are improving your humour! =P
THAT PPART WAS REALLY funny... And i enjoyed it!
I agree @badrobot 14 that Sh Abu Esa meant it as joke....
Before I go ahead let me make it clear I share not a bit of affection for JB...
But I have just some things to say: Shk Abu Esa I dunno him but I m sure hes a great person and since he teaches Adab Al Mufrad I hold the highest of respect for him.
But the fact is by making such statments great people are making it only harder for themselves
. Youve seen DZN he is banned from a few countries The uk, Canada for humoring about some aspects lke Pork etc you them ... and the fact is that people out there and all of us need such intellectuals....it might just be a joke or so ... but in the end it is we the normal guys who suffer and they regret it later believe me
and plus one more thing we just further make people who might have been somewhat inclined towards Islam go away from it. Its just that not all the youth in the world share a similar mindset to us... and if we want to incline them to our beautiful religion we might as well avoid such statements (even as jokes).
Another fact people practically almost worship JB... so I guess dis rule of Dawah mentiond in the Quran might hold applicable: Surah Anam ch 6 v 108
And insult not those whom they (disbelievers) worship besides Allâh, lest they insult Allâh wrongfully without knowledge.
Thus We have made fair-seeming to each people its own doings; then to their Lord is their return and He shall then inform them of all that they used to do.
Sorry for the alerts and i was just expressing my opinion not that it matters much! :p
7th heaven ;)
7th heaven ;)
Many Muslims convert seeing other Muslims' behaviour...
Like .. See... I know working in all these music/film industry is bad and all... But u know late Moin Akhtar? The actor? Bcs of his good nature a non muslim converted!! Now tell me? Don't u respect him? Though he was from film industry.. But u HAVE to appreciate it!
I dont know how true this is but Ill put it up here ;
There was this Christian King . The Muslims sent their best Daees to do Dawah with him and guess wht the king is impressed ... they tell him that but first youve got to give up your drinking (he was an alcoholic) and this was something h just couldnt take... he didnot embrace Islam...
Later the Muslims regretted it because h was quit influential and his support would be tremendous in war but they lost out on it. They could gone easy on him and as tim passed he would have himself given it up as I slam does make a person think logically and shapes a person throughout life. by attacking them outright makes it no good!!
^ This is just an epic analogy to what I was trying to say,
PS: Dont take me wrong people.... I dont think we ought to respect JB's act... H eprobably might have stopped because it is a Muslim nation and didnot want to lose out on his Turkish fan base due to advers propaganda.I just wanted to say that we Muslims should avoid such type jokes... Just as we would like to see non Muslims not take adv of the freedom of expression thingy similarly we too must hold our selves.
Sorry for coming in so late... Havent been to XPC for a while until yesterday when I saw this whole debate and it did really make me think...
First of all lets be clear abt the whole scenario... Sh aAbu Esa posted this on a Muslim community although the internet has a world wide base but the comment was directed for Muslims"... How come I came to this conclusion...
I agree 7th heaven ;) that there is an ANYONE in the statement but you cant ignore the earlier half of the statement ...it says... YAY if had a hijab....that proves it is basically targetting the Muslim "girls" specifically although he does say him/her... i wonder which guy is a fan of his
And secondly... there is a vast difference btwn RESPECT n just plain ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.. i dont even think he desrves acknowledgement... Seriouslydo u think this small PR act would douse all what hes done to the Muslim youth ... AtemisDelta .. I find myslef agreeing wid u out on the pt where u said he was doing it all t2 maintain his Turkish fan base and avoid the wrath of a Muslim nation...Its all plain PR!
But all your other points...there all correct and authenti but dude...its ISLAH (reformation of Muslims) were talking abt not Dawah! And abt your statemnt that Muslim scholars... if they donot warn their Muslim brethren whom will they... and btw in the field of Dawah... its all offensive now and not defensive... That phase is totally over... The whole world knows the truth and now all Islam has taken the ATTACK mode!
But that attack mode is based on this verse: Invite to the way of your Lord (i.e. Islâm) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Revelation and the Qur'ân) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His path, and He is the Best Knower of those who are guided.
^ Surah Nahll 16: 125...
And believe me the Muslim DUaat arent even close to the horrid remarks those non Muslims ever made!
Btw coming back 2 the pt... this was Islah... and even the Prophet admonished his nation (us) several times...and this shk is just trying to do the same in a humorous way to appeal to the youth although not every1 seems appeased!