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So today a woman told me meri namaz nhi hogi kiu k mai uske per se pao jor k nhi khari thi xD
phir tou imam ki bhi nhi hui ho gi? o_O imam stands alone :p
one tym there was this aunty who, during the namaz grabbed my leg nd put in on her not even beside xD
LOL ppl need to learn moderation :p
one uyncle once told me off for not wearing topi... i was like thats not even required in salah o_O :p
i mean its not wrong to be of more than one maslik. I say ameen loudly but i donot do rafa yadain before ruku. Ppl just dun learn, specially women have no concept that namaz nhi hoti if there is a gap in the line. they start making new saff for AC xD
Lol.. Once an elderly masjid head called me n told me off for folding hands a lil up.. I had hard time keeping quiet... Pretty stupid of a learned man to point out something that is perfectly allowed in a salah.. Heck i could pray ok even by keeping hands by side as allowed by imam Ahmad..
ikr but people...
Sorry to intrude but while the rest of the world can go get a life but don't you think that we as educated open minded youth should atleast make an attempt to read about and learn the Prophetic way of offering Salah instead of blindly following madhabs, of which theit founders and imams clearly stated that if any if their teachings go against the Sahih ahadith they are to be slammed against the wall.
Just a thought.... Mean no offense to anyone whatsoever.
that's what.. we were talking abt being open minded when it comes to ppl who follow a different madhab than you.. or if they prefer rulings of different madhabs...
n in no way was i promoting blind following.. its just ok to have difference of opinion..
I was reminded of this lovely hadith, On the day of Al-Ahzab (i.e. Clans) the Prophet (ﷺ) said, "None of you Muslims) should offer the `Asr prayer but at Banu Quraiza's place." The `Asr prayer became due for some of them on the way. Some of those said, "We will not offer it till we reach it, the place of Banu Quraiza," while some others said,
"No, we will pray at this spot, for the Prophet (ﷺ) did not mean that for us." Later on It was mentioned to the Prophet (ﷺ) and he did not berate any of the two groups. (Bukhari)
Exactly and I never meant to imply anything. All I meant is that if we choose to follow a certain maslak we must make sure the teachings donot go against the sahih Hadith. Now those would be the true followers of the imams. E.g. Malikis donot tie their hands because their Imam dint do so .... when we go deeper we realize Imam Maliks hands were chopped off by the ruler then so he didn't have hands to raise or tie!!
When we have sahih Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim regarding the correct Sarah procedure right from the start to the end with minute details regarding raful yadain and joining of the feet where the hands are supposed to be tied etc... I believe we must study and follow that... because that's what the imams would have wanted. Two of them were Bukharis trs and one his student
There is no harm in learning something that is meant to be learnt from its correct sources.... not to berate anyone here... I just feel we must make more efforts to learn the correct way to offer Sarah on our own accord let alone what aunties and uncles say... that is not only becoz for an amal to be accepted it has to be sahih (pure intentions) and sawab( as per the Sunnah)
Wallahu alamu bissawab.... just stating what I feel...
Dude there isa variety in the number of ways u can do stuff in salaah. And one should not hink that the other persons namaz is going in vain if he is not doing these small stuff for they too have found sources on which they can justify their actions.
As fr the tying if hands - Sometimes i do it on my chest and sumtyms i do it by my stomach or sumtyms crossed arms. We are not blindly following anyone but have found them to be not prohibited with one Imam or the other.
Since u must have heard about that incident where the groups of two imam were involved and they did not want to have differences between them in jamats so both the groupd accidentally prayed on the way of the other group so definitely they did not think it was haram.