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Yes! That's how she thinks!!!!
^ hmm.. for some reason I'd like to hear that from her...
If she does speaks... she has gone quite once more! :(
i like suicide
Idk abt God. But I don't believe in Allah
Sir, you have heard her yourself! :(
i like suicide ok, but I'm asking do you think this way: "I'm not sure about God, where was He when I was suffering so much..?" tell me please..
n Thankyou for replying :)
Then you do believe in a god..? coz that argument I posted earlier was an emotional argument... logically if WE exist, there has to be a creator... and He has to be very different from us... Believing in a God is so logical that great scientists like einstein n newton did it.. and biggest philosophers like plato and aristotle actually gave logic 4 belief in God..
just like a painting tells you about the painter the universe tells us the greatness and perfection of it's creator...
Now the thing to ask is why did he create us..why do we sometimes have to suffer and more importantly.. we must use our brain to see that if He put in us thirst He made water to quench it.. so if he gave us trials there must be a solution and ways to get past them from Him too!
i like suicide
i don't blame God for the bad things that happened with me.
i like suicide
I don't believe in Allah, because according to islam and other similar faiths, he's going to punish people severly if they r not going to obey him. I don't like to follow such religions coz they prevent us from doing things we would like to do. Islam especially is full of rituals, that r not really needed to live a peaceful life. It is forcing things on us. It's is a sick religion...
i like suicide
And Albert Einstein said that he doesnt believe in the God of theology who rewards good and punishes evil. I totally agree with him... I believe Buddha was a better person than Mohommad and Buddhism is an agnostic religion so i like it more than Islam
hmm.. you think.. I like that. first I only quoted einstein or aristotle for belief in God..
I have a question... you have a ballpoint pen, it stops working. what do you do...? Your shoe breaks, what do you do...?
i like suicide
if pen stops working then i look for another one in the house or borrow from someone else, or i use something else to write... if my shoe breaks then i walk with the broken shoe and i get it mended as soon as possible or i buy a new one
good.. means you throw that pen away... Allah doesn't need us as much as we need that pen.. so if we don't function..
Anyways, leave that aside.. tell me this, if a small child gets hit by a table... and starts crying, we hit the table.... and say "bad table!" and mostly the child stops crying.. why is that..??
i like suicide
we don't like to see him cry coz we love him
True, but that's not the reason.. if you think.. we hit the table and child stops because the child understands that the table that hit him, was hit back... so justice has been served.
How can it be that a child understands the concept of retribution and God does not...? that the opressors won't be punished and the righteous be rewarded... If the world as it is exists and God exists there HAS to be an afterlife..
makes sense....??
i like suicide
If that happens infront of me, then i will tell the child that nothing (serious) happened and he should shut up. I wont hit the table, call it bad, but i would like the child to learn that these kind of things happen and he shouldnt cry on tiny mishaps