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  1. D

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Re: Maths made easy =) stuck sumwhere?Ask ur doubts here!! Shearing is parallel to the invariant line. The image was to the right of the original. So inv. line was x-axis.
  2. D

    Maths scores

    Probably 69/70 and 130/130 isA. P4 was easy, but I did a stupid mistake in P2 :P
  3. D

    Anyone is done with English paper 4 ?

    Well I already made my point, but it's of no use arguing with a kid. You think I'm wrong? Sure thing, that's why you can't even give a reason. Well keep believing what you want. I'm outta here for good. And you got the last line right.
  4. D

    Anyone is done with English paper 4 ?

    Wow...Classic retardness. Juts because many people did something means it's automatically right? I was the only one in my school out of 100 students to get a different answer in the maths exam, and everyone kept saying the same thing 'we all are getting the same answer except you', yet they all...
  5. D

    biology p61

    *sigh*.... We've been mentioning plenty of reasons why it should be a bar chart and not a line graph, and you just come up here and say 'it's not bar''? For god's sake, JUSTIFY YOUR OPINION! And going 6,12,18 for the y-axis would make it too small.
  6. D

    Anyone is done with English paper 4 ?

    Re: Nuts, nuts and more nuts !!! Arguments or statements? Who cares if you knew what I was talking about. And wow good job you can search and copy definitions. And he asked about 2 types of trees, and I didn't say nuts would replace acorns, but it would be better to say than 'fruits'. And that...
  7. D

    Anyone is done with English paper 4 ?

    Re: Nuts and fruits O.o I wasn't talking to you.. You just come up and ask for money? How desperate...lol
  8. D

    Anyone is done with English paper 4 ?

    Re: Nuts and fruits An argument without a reason = epic fail. Unless you can give a reason why acorns wont be accepted, I'll be keeping 2 impressions about you. 1- You fail at debating. 2-A person who fails at debating is definitely not the one to have his opinion considered true. He wont ask...
  9. D

    Anyone is done with English paper 4 ?

    Well it's a forum rule, and we gotta follow it whether we like it or not. Also some people with an awkward case of paranoia are afraid they might get disqualified and think that Cambridge is tracking them down, lurking around forums, listening over phone calls, , locating their homes, watching...
  10. D

    Anyone is done with English paper 4 ?

    And how about leaving the moderating to the moderators? We know the rules.
  11. D

    Anyone is done with English paper 4 ?

    Because he would be smart enough to ask you for something already mentioned in the previous question? We'll see when the mark scheme is available.
  12. D

    Anyone is done with English paper 4 ?

    It wasn't nuts and fruits, it was nuts and acorns. And you can't discuss the exam before 24h.
  13. D

    biology p61

    Hehe I was the only one to get it right in my class too :) And my friends kept arguing with me forever till a teacher confirmed I was right :D
  14. D

    biology p61

    @Dooouuu The question said the equation gives the total number of lines for the FIRST n diagrams, not the nth diagram/ That means when you take 'n' as 2, it's equal to the sum of lines in the FIRST TWO DIAGRAMS = 12 NOT 9 Same thing with 'n' as 3, 'FIRST THREE DIAGRAMS' = 3+9+18= 30 NOT 18. Then...
  15. D

    biology p61

    So? Your entire class could be wrong. My entire class did the maths sequence question wrong except me, does that mean they were right?
  16. D

    Physics 61..!!!..loved it..!!! <3

    A one litre cup? And It's easy. Coffee cups are like half the size of normal cups/mugs which are 200~250 cm^3 However, some of my colleagues didn't get confused with the 1000 cm^3, but with the 10 cm^3. And like many of them. Talking about epic retardness xD
  17. D


    Re: THE A* IS WAITING FOR YOU FOR BIO P3,COMP P1 ,ESL P4,CHE Hmm...It's nice having someone always so positive and optimistic telling us we'd do good :D
  18. D

    biology p61

    Okay lets try another approach... Lets assume you draw a line. That means every single point on the line, even between the given points, is true right? And what did the question mention clearly? That the table gives the number of NEW (I repeat NEW) orange areas each time. At 1 min, it was 14...
  19. D

    biology p61

    Exactly. 'Enzyme Activity' is a just a vague main idea, having hundreds of different possible ways to investigate. I could observer colour changes of indicators for product, count bubbles given off or volume of gas [as in catalase experiments], check for substrate concentration/mass left, or...
  20. D

    biology p61

    Hehe. I feel TOTALLY the same!