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  1. P

    Your welcome princess :)

    Your welcome princess :)
  2. P

    Rate my Gp essay!!

    Good vocabulary is simply knowledge of words and their definitions. But a good vocabulary and learning the dictionary by heart will not help unless you have an interesting way of expressing your ideas. Notice how journalists write (especially British and American ones), the moment you read the...
  3. P

    Rate my Gp essay!!

    C or D according to me. Also language wise it sounds like you are putting in an effort to make it sound fancy which is not good. Also topic wise, you have not shown a vast and critical knowledge of the topic which is what the examiner wants to see.
  4. P

    Remove super-glued thumb tacks from the sole of my high heels? HELP!

    Actually no, but they are special and irreplaceable.
  5. P

    Remove super-glued thumb tacks from the sole of my high heels? HELP!

    That's a bit of an exaggeration, they aren't that bad lol. For me its more of a question of personal taste and the added height than showing others.
  6. P

    Remove super-glued thumb tacks from the sole of my high heels? HELP!

    I know, but the really high ones can be painful and it is more easy to fall down. Every now and then when I walk they get stuck in the sidewalk, grating etc. The pair I mentioned in this thread obviously needs more care as its slippery lol.
  7. P

    Remove super-glued thumb tacks from the sole of my high heels? HELP!

    lol, Nothing wrong with my posture as far as I can tell. But I guess its inevitable that such shoes aren't the best for the legs and can cause discomfort compared to a flat soled shoe. I find them comfortable enough though so I don't mind.
  8. P

    Remove super-glued thumb tacks from the sole of my high heels? HELP!

    I just wear them when I go out, which is not very often.
  9. P

    Remove super-glued thumb tacks from the sole of my high heels? HELP!

    Decided to make it completely silver by scratching off gold paint. It looks alright. It will eventually come off if it rusts I guess.
  10. P

    Remove super-glued thumb tacks from the sole of my high heels? HELP!

    Hi, A while back, I thought it would be a good idea (aesthetically) to place gold painted thumb tacks all over the sole of my shoes. I glued them. It looked really nice and I was satisfied with my work even though it was extremely slippery and more uncomfortable than before. Now the tacks have...
  11. P

    I'm not a muslim so I don't celebrate eid.. But thanks anyway

    I'm not a muslim so I don't celebrate eid.. But thanks anyway
  12. P

    I'm not a muslim so I don't celebrate eid.. But thanks anyway

    I'm not a muslim so I don't celebrate eid.. But thanks anyway
  13. P

    Incredible series of car accidents my friend's sister got into on Friday!

    Now that I got the full story, the mystery seems more mysterious! After she dropped me, on arriving in her house, she hit her dad's car. As per what I heard, she was unable to walk properly after that and had to be put to rest on the sofa. Her parents found out about the alcohol and they saw...
  14. P

    Incredible series of car accidents my friend's sister got into on Friday!

    Did some research, if she did indeed drink 5 glasses, she is well above limit but since she didn't seem drunk it must have been less.
  15. P

    Incredible series of car accidents my friend's sister got into on Friday!

    I wonder if this would have happened if it wasn't for alcohol though. She said she wasn't sure but thought it must have been 5-7 175ml glasses or something called "Port Wine". But if that is above the limit why did the breathalyzer not show it? Would it be likely that without the wine no...
  16. P

    Are YOU ready for DEATH???

    That should be interesting and that is when I will finally know who is right, the Greek god, the Islamic God, the Christian God, the Norse gods, the ancient Egyptians gods. If it is Allah, the I shall probably burn in hell, for being a girl with nice and long hair who does not wear a hijab...
  17. P

    Incredible series of car accidents my friend's sister got into on Friday!

    I have read the Quran (translation) as well as many other "holly" books, I have heard that "Every child is born in a state of fitrah (the natural state of man, i.e., Islam), then his parents make him into a Jew or a Christian or a Magian.”, I have heard it many times, it is simply not true...
  18. P

    You too

    You too
  19. P

    You too

    You too