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  1. A

    Biology Paper 6 (ATP) discussion

    uhmm...in fact Pals... many of my friends have drawn the smallest part... seeing the pic on the net, wat we've drawn seems to be correct... but dunno...:(
  2. A

    Biology Paper 6 (ATP) discussion

    lol..right...did u see the image.??is it the same? i mean similar to the one we've got?
  3. A

    Biology Paper 6 (ATP) discussion

    it was mentioned... the diagram shows the inside of a seed...
  4. A

    Biology Paper 6 (ATP) discussion

    Hey Pals1010 and Prince... I also drew the smallest part inside... I thought that this was the germinating part of the seed.. try to see these images and let me have ur idea...
  5. A

    Biology Paper 6 (ATP) discussion

    elo.. what did u all label for the 2nd question? plumule developing into stem(first shoot) and radicle developing into roots?? is that all? or did u label anything else???
  6. A

    Biology Paper 6 (ATP) discussion

    the missing reading was 7... u should have read directly from the diagram given(scale on capillary tube)