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  1. M

    as physics p33

    the value did not support the % that i got. it was more than 20% for me so i wrote the hypothesis is wrong. IT actually depends on our working and values so no matter what anyone wrote, as long as it seems sensible we shall get marks for it
  2. M

    biology paper 12 2015

    i wanted to confirm a few answers for the tb.. the graph was housing included? (provision of housing) i did a past paper and it said housing did not affect. then inhibitor and non inhibitor substrate. which structure do they affect in the enzyme.. was it tertiary and tertiary and the function...
  3. M

    biology p12

    I am getting many answers wrong.. do i keep practicing past papers or should i study for p12 from somewhere?
  4. M

    AS Biology 33 2015 M/J

    how was chem 33? i think i'm losing marks in tiration
  5. M

    How was Chemistry (9701/22) [No discussions]

    but for the last 2-3 years the boundary was 37-ish for A I don't think they'll increase it to 48-49 all of a sudden 43-44 sounds reasonable
  6. M

    Chemistry 2015 9701 (p22)

    How did you all find today's exam? I think it was way easier (simple) than the previous papers but everyone messed up some or the other thing. I can't decide where exactly did i lose marks in but i have a feeling that i'm going to lose alot of marks :/
  7. M

    How was Chemistry (9701/22) [No discussions]

    relatively it was easy but i think i'm going to lose alot of marks
  8. M

    Biology 9700 p22 2015

    Well how did you all find the paper? I'm so scared because I think I messed up the graph question however overall I shouldn't lose more than 10-12 marks but it all depends on the threshold :( What are you're guesses?