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  1. 1

    physics paper 1,2 ........can we discuus da papper nw?

    Yeah but keeping the wire insulated would not keep the temperature constant. It would not allow for the heat produced by the wire to escape. All the heat would form a layer between the wire and insulation and the wires temperature would rise. @biker yes it was necessary for the temperature to...
  2. 1

    physics paper 1,2 ........can we discuus da papper nw?

    I don't think so. We had to encourage heat transfer between the wire and the room not the opposite. Insulating the wire would not allow heat transfer and would result in excessive heating of the wire.
  3. 1

    physics paper 1,2 ........can we discuus da papper nw?

    As an object falls its velocity increases, and due to wind resistance the initial acceleration of 10m s-2 decreases.
  4. 1

    physics paper 1,2 ........can we discuus da papper nw?

    For the fuse question the calculated current was 25A and the correct option was a 30A fuse. I think that option was either B or C.
  5. 1

    physics paper 1,2 ........can we discuus da papper nw?

    Yeah I was a bit skeptical about that. I think I only got one question wrong. I calculated the resistance correctly then thought it wrong and changed it.
  6. 1

    physics paper 1,2 ........can we discuus da papper nw?

    Background radiation can also be from contamination of the rate meter right?
  7. 1

    How'd your physics Papers go ?

    I can't remember.
  8. 1

    Discussion Of Chemistry ATP; 24 hours have passed.

    Yeah it was 15 and the other was 60 if I recall correctly.
  9. 1

    How'd your physics Papers go ?

    You had to make a series circuit with the battery followed by a resistor, then ammeter and then the wire w. a voltmeter had to be connected in parralel to the wire. Then you had to explain that the student would use different lengths of wire and obtain different values of V and I from the...
  10. 1

    Discussion Of Chemistry ATP; 24 hours have passed.

    This is exactly what I wrote too.
  11. 1

    Discussion Of Chemistry ATP; 24 hours have passed.

    Yea the question said to write the structural formula.
  12. 1

    How'd your physics Papers go ?

    Really great, I think I only lost about 4 marks.
  13. 1

    Physics O levels complete discussion

    Yeah but I can't seem to find it in the syllabus, I don't think it's included.
  14. 1

    Physics O levels complete discussion

    Hey the refrigerator and thermos flask aren't in the course right?
  15. 1

    Physics O levels complete discussion

    Can someone describe a simple experiment to show refraction of sound?
  16. 1

    Physics O levels complete discussion

    How are are diverging lenses different from converging in terms of the ray diagrams we have to draw. I only learned about converging.
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    Physics O levels complete discussion

    Oh right, thanks for pointing it out.
  18. 1

    Physics O levels complete discussion

    No, they are also radioactive.
  19. 1

    Physics O levels complete discussion

    alpha particles are deflected by electric fields.