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  1. A

    Biology P31 <-----

    Dude, it wasn't easy. This year biology is really going after us, PP6 v1 wasn't easy, P3 wasn't easy, I'm surprised how V1 will be ;/ Not discussing! I'm really pissed.
  2. A

    chem ppr 6 help anyone?

    with wut?
  3. A

    Good luck everybody

    No speaking arabic. English language is allowed only.
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    Confusing Parts of the Syllabus EXPLAINED

    1. Page 13 - Know that there are other classification systems e.g. cladistics (based on RNA/ DNA sequencing) 2. Page 15 - Describe the importance of diffusion of gases and solutes and of water as a solvent (what is diffusion of solutes here?) 3. Page 16 - Describe the role of the fungus...
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    Biology - some doubts in the curriculum

    Ok, Just know that the binomial system isn't the only classification system out there. You must describe importance of diffusion of gasses like diffusion of CO2 and O2 for respiration in humans or diffusion of CO2 into the leaves for photosynthesis in plants. You must know that to produce...
  6. A

    can anyone classify to me the areobic and anerobic res bio

    Re: can anyone classify to me the areobic and anerobic res b Yes zardonz but it's not required in the syllabus this year and kokeeto thanks ;)
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    Biology - some doubts in the curriculum

    Best questions, They are simply giving you the tricks that may be present in the exam. I have mastered the syllabus fully.
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    Chemistry paper 6

    -Fermentation -Salt Analysis ( Cations and anion tests) -Production of gasses -Labelling of apparatus -Rate of reaction. -Graph drawing and explaining curves etc.. -testing for ion
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    can anyone classify to me the areobic and anerobic res bio

    Re: can anyone classify to me the areobic and anerobic res b Aerobic respiration is breaking down of food to form energy in the presence of oxygen. Anaerobic respiration is breaking of food to form small amounts of energy in the absence of oxygen. Anaerobic produces 118 KJ of energy while...
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    Most important tips for Biology P31!!!!!!!!!

    Alpha, 7aneekak law sidtak, Wsharaf omi la aneekak. Yil3an abook 3ala abo baladak!
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    Most important tips for Biology P31!!!!!!!!!

    tab w sharaf omi saydak saydak, Bokra ba3ad el exam ra7 koon 3indak bara el madrasa..
  12. A

    Most important tips for Biology P31!!!!!!!!!

    AhmedNES, La a9eedak w sharaf omi, La aneekak, Inta bil NES? !! KWT?
  13. A

    Most important tips for Biology P31!!!!!!!!!

    sob7an el allah!! NAS FADYEEN!
  14. A

    physics paper 61,,,reflection

    I got 20 and 20.
  15. A

    biology paper 3

    Everything bro, This is paper 3..
  16. A

    Eco Paper 32 hrlp needed!!!!

    Download the syllabus. Go with the syllabus and your notes and try to understand not study because understanding ecology is everything. Do pass papers.
  17. A

    BIo Help Please =S

    1) In the syllabus it only asks to describe how penicillen is made from mould penicillium. 2)Because antibiotics target cell walls only so when taken into the body, it binds to the enzyme responsible for forming that cell wall and since were animals, we don't have any cell wall except by...
  18. A

    Difference between independent and dependent variable???plz.

    Re: Difference between independent and dependent variable??? Dude for graphs. Let me give you it this way. Whatever your changing, put on the x axis and whatever your measuring on the y -axis, done.
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    chemistry paper-6

    Np :)
  20. A

    Chemistry Paper 6

    Listed it already cozmo and yoyo for that, I'd advice to just do as much pass papers as you can because they are related :)