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    Story completer game :D(Best known forum game)

    of having a child like him and fed him donkey balls for lunch and then he...
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    chemistry paper-6

    Sage, wasn't that my list or something? Not being rude or anything, just asking :)
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    Physics Paper 61 (Varient 1 Paper) Electricity

    Ahmed NES, yes correct.
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    Physics Paper 61 (Varient 1 Paper) Electricity

    Gunner is right. It's total. R1*R2/R1+21 won't work, It has to be done totally, both added.. 11. something and the other resistance was 8.26 or something.
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    bio past papers

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    Auxin and plant hormones

    When light is not going to any side and just up, then auxins accumulate equally in all sides making growth up not to any side.
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    Auxin and plant hormones

    Auxis are hormones produced at the tip of the plant. They are killed by light so they are always on the shady part of the shoot, This makes it grow at high rate in this area causing it to bend towards light. That's positive phototropism When there is a high concentration of auxins, this causes...
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    biology p61

    Nope, I realized that everyone here has escaped from the thread because your too serious about 2 marks as i said, you've been resetting for too many times, Good luck Stranger. Your an e-thug.
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    biology p61

    Your speaking about my IQ? Oh sh1t, Just leave it she7, He can have his damn 2 marks for the bar graph. He's dying for that 2 marks as he's reseting for more than 2 courses now. Diva, Go out. Your "Bar graph" is making too much pressure on you.
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    biology p61

    Diva, Your honestly someone who should be going out. Are you a person who just argue's about studying? Stop viewing the thread and trying to prove everyone wrong. If were wrong then wait for the marking scheme and stop trying to prove us wrong/right. Just go away.
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    Well Its easy Just remember, incisors, Canines, Pre molars, Molars Incisors 4 on each jaw, for cutting food. Canines two on each jaw, for tearing food. Pre molars, 4 on each jaw, for cutting and grinding food, flattened with 2 or more cusps. Molars, 6 on each jaw, for cutting and grinding...
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    biology p61

    Stop being a smart ass.... Wait for the marking scheme to go out and say it's a bar chart officially. I did a bar chart but i'm telling you it's wrong because it's not correct variation. Anyways i'm 100% sure its incorrect but let's wait for marking scheme to come out and then argue. Also...
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    Gene of interest is isolated by a restriction endonuclease enzyme. The bacterial plasmid is also isolated and cut open by the same restriction endonuclease enzyme. Gene is then taken and placed inside the opening of the plasmid using ligase enzyme. The recombinant plasmid is then taken and...
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    Biology doubt !

    i just hope it comes because we studied it.
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    Biology doubt !

    I hate it, I don't understand anything about selection -.-
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    Damn, i need the whole steps written ;/ PLEASE
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    Can you give me all steps written?
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    Story completer game :D(Best known forum game)

    Re: Story completer :D(Best known forum game) was ever born to this lame word and then...
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    I lost my paper about genetic engineering of insulin. Can anyone give me it? Thanks!
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    Water to activate the enzymes etc.. in the seed? ok and o2 for aerobic respiration ok, what else? Co2 ok that i've already done. How radicle forms and shoot? hmm.