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  1. Zoya Shahab

    Maths, Addmaths and Statistics: Post your doubts here!

    I tried that but got an unusual answer... Can u give me ur answer???
  2. Zoya Shahab

    Maths, Addmaths and Statistics: Post your doubts here!

    The polynomial x^4+4x^2+x+a is denoted by p(x). It is given that x^2+x+2 is a factor of p(x). Find the value of a and the other quadratic factor of p(x).
  3. Zoya Shahab

    Maths, Addmaths and Statistics: Post your doubts here!

    Without using a calculator, solve
  4. Zoya Shahab


    I am currently taking these subjects: English Lang Physics Chemistry Biology Urdu A Pak studies Islmaiat Admaths English literature I am really good at maths... I m currently in grade 9 so next year my school is offering sociology and environmental sciences. I want to opt for sociology but one...
  5. Zoya Shahab

    Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

    What is the 1906 manifesto? This is mentioned in the syllabus and I really can't find it in the book
  6. Zoya Shahab

    Maths, Addmaths and Statistics: Post your doubts here!

    Plz work out the answer!
  7. Zoya Shahab

    Maths, Addmaths and Statistics: Post your doubts here!

    I cant understand Where did the 18 came from???. And by the way it's cube root not square root!!
  8. Zoya Shahab

    Maths, Addmaths and Statistics: Post your doubts here!

    Given that lg 2=a and lg3=b and that lg x=3a-4b+1 find x. Express lg cube root 972 in terms of a and b.
  9. Zoya Shahab

    Maths, Addmaths and Statistics: Post your doubts here!

    Without using a calculator evaluate (lg 5)^2+lg2 lg50
  10. Zoya Shahab

    Maths, Addmaths and Statistics: Post your doubts here!

    Find x such that 2e^x=3-e^(x+1) I have no idea how to solve this I tried substituting y for e^x but then e^1 remains! Please explain me how to do this!!!