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  1. S

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    WHICH TYPE OF INTERMolecular forces is the weakest? coz in my book its van der waals where was i my chemistry guide its permanent dipole?
  2. S

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

  3. S

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    Hey if I have a ketone with an alcohol group or any other group, how would I name it , would the name end with one or ol ?? and how would the numbering be?? please urgent helpppp and is this required for AS??
  4. S

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    hey everyone please urgent help needed , in oct/noc 2002 question 6ii can some one explain the answer please , I found the mass of pentanol with 16g of bromopentane but would this mass be the actual or the theoretical , becoz when I do the calculation based on it being actual the final answer is...
  5. S

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    oh ok thanks a lot is there a reason for that?
  6. S

    Chemistry : P1 and P2 doubts only (Only AS allowed)

    n No i didnt mean if they were put together i meant if the carbon was bonded to a halogen instead of a carbon and hydrogen what would the product be formed?
  7. S

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    I In oct/nov 2002 they say in the marking scheme along with +3 NOT 3+ :S , QUESTION 3D
  8. S

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    Whats the difference between writing 3+ and +3 in oxidation numbers??please help
  9. S

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    hey every one , all salam alaykum. I have a question what would be produced if a carbon in an alkene involved in the double bon was also bonded to a hydrogen AND a bromine or any halogen and then it was treated with cold dilute manganate ion AND hot concentrated manganate ions ?? Would such a...
  10. S

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    hey every one , all salam alaykum. I have a question what would be produced if a carbon in an alkene involved in the double bon was also bonded to a hydrogen AND a bromine or any halogen and then it was treated with cold dilute manganate ion AND hot concentrated manganate ions ?? Would such a...
  11. S

    A level Biology: Post your doubts here!

    In 17 how is growth of cells isn't important? in 26 I have never studies about cambium cells is it AS? in 35 how is the tidal volume the air breathed in AND out in one breath and when I multiply it by the number of breaths in one minute I get the volume of air which ENTERED the lungs ? in 37...
  12. S

    A level Biology: Post your doubts here!

    hey everyone , please I have many doubts in oct/nov 2010 p1 variant 2 question 17 and 26 35 and 37 , can some please explain the answers?
  13. S

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    Wow mashallah I wouldn't how figured it out after a billion years XD , this question is very tricky , what if some one never took physics! hehe. any ways thanks a lot for the help:D
  14. S

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    hey everyone , please I have a doubt in p1 year 2002 MAY/JUNE , question 6 , I haven't got a clue how to solve it , can any one please help me out?
  15. S

    Notes on any subject

    chemistry paper 6 notes please the exam is on Wednesday , very urgent help needeeeed
  16. S

    Notes on any subject

    Can any one give me notes for chemistry and physics paper 6 pleaaase?
  17. S

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    Oh I found the marking scheme hehe thanks again
  18. S

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    Thanks a lot , btw there isn't a marking scheme for p1:/
  19. S

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    Any one has 2002 p1 and p2 marking schemes ?
  20. S

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    Why did you subtract 2x and not x from two moles of p , because the molar ratio between Q and p is the same so what ever was lost from P ,exactly forms Q , so that's why we shouldn't take x??