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  1. H

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    is the first question on kinematics?
  2. H

    A level Biology: Post your doubts here!

    i wrote that high light intensities could damage the suspension, you think that infers heat?
  3. H

    A level Biology: Post your doubts here!

    what did you write for the purpose for the water in tube? is it to reduce light intensity to a reasonable one?
  4. H

    A level Biology: Post your doubts here!

    i only seen sheep shit, they should have told us at least
  5. H

    A level Biology: Post your doubts here!

    i dont think it goes to 25 too high. and no it doesnt support since a it continued to obsoreb light, it never reached zero absorbtion
  6. H

    A level Biology: Post your doubts here!

    where? cuz i might lose 4 too
  7. H

    A level Biology: Post your doubts here!

    and deer shit and sheep shit do look different bruh
  8. H

    A level Biology: Post your doubts here!

    lmao i said different species shit different amounts so you cant know if its from the same animal or not.
  9. H

    A level Biology: Post your doubts here!

    yeah 12. Amd what about why measuring the dung is not reliable?
  10. H

    A level Biology: Post your doubts here!

    quites easy i think much easier than 2017. and what did you write for the number for replicants lol
  11. H

    A level Biology: Post your doubts here!

    anybody done paper 5 already?
  12. H

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    yes you are right my bad. and yeah 4 subject sucking the life outta me
  13. H

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    yes yes
  14. H

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    what does subs mean? lol
  15. H

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    yeah and mechanics. Idk man bio should be easy unless some weird shit comes.
  16. H

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    or octahedral
  17. H

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    ethnadioc acid will be oxidised by any stron oxidising agent like MNO4 to carbon dioxide and water. Also methanoic acid.
  18. H

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    its simply the number of proton attached to the carbon if its CH3 the relative peak area is 3 if OH the 1 and so on
  19. H

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    you are adding 30cm3 to 20 so 50 in the flask at the end?
  20. H

    Chemistry: Post your doubts here!

    there is a difference, in the question for w it says for immediately thus its acyl chloride, for y its very slow so its chloro alkane. Since acyl cholrides are far more reactive