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  1. confused_soul

    Heyy need ur hlp do u hav notes for p2 psychology ? I stidied it totally my self & i am cluless...

    Heyy need ur hlp do u hav notes for p2 psychology ? I stidied it totally my self & i am cluless please help needed Rep asap
  2. confused_soul

    Chem p33 grade thresholds? My paper went terribly :'(

    Ask ur invigulator ! I wrote a report too guys Ppl complainnnnn !! Dey ll giv u a ppl write evey thing on dat
  3. confused_soul

    A2 biology

    Yessss i was finding this thank u soooo much
  4. confused_soul

    A2 biology

    hi does any1 have videos for A2 biology applications part ??
  5. confused_soul


    anyyy psychology student online guys??
  6. confused_soul

    please share them asap i dunt kno a wrd :'( u ll be my life saver, specially for alternative...

    please share them asap i dunt kno a wrd :'( u ll be my life saver, specially for alternative method and quantitative and qualitative
  7. confused_soul

    Hii i need ur help with ppr 2 ! Please can u explain me the format N how shuld i study for it...

    Hii i need ur help with ppr 2 ! Please can u explain me the format N how shuld i study for it Do u hav any notes on alternative method and research studies please reali need help
  8. confused_soul


    I am doing a2 also
  9. confused_soul

    Chem p33 grade thresholds? My paper went terribly :'(

    Anyways what do u think d gt wuld be around ?
  10. confused_soul

    Chem p33 grade thresholds? My paper went terribly :'(

    even a guy next to me did it his test tube turned soooo yellow too guys !
  11. confused_soul

    Chem p33 grade thresholds? My paper went terribly :'(

    i tested it with lead nitrate it was OBVIOUS YELLOW :/
  12. confused_soul

    hi !! hw r u ? can u explain me wat to study for psychology p2 ? :(

    hi !! hw r u ? can u explain me wat to study for psychology p2 ? :(
  13. confused_soul


    heyyy please can u do dem earlier will reali realiiii appreciate it i am studying psychology totally on my own will appreciate help
  14. confused_soul

    bio p4

    hii ! can some 1 pleaseeee post notes for bio p4 realiii in need of them thanksss :) jazak Allah
  15. confused_soul


    mine was good too except for 2 3 questions ! guys how are u preparing for ppr 2 and came some 1 please explain me what to prepare :'( i have to idea please explain the format
  16. confused_soul

    Can u explain me wat to prepair for p2 psychology i hav no idea about the format

    Can u explain me wat to prepair for p2 psychology i hav no idea about the format