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  1. bamteck

    Maths URGENT HELP Plz

    The part (c) & (e) only.
  2. bamteck

    Maths URGENT HELP Plz

    Sorry, I did not understand.. :(
  3. bamteck

    Maths URGENT HELP Plz

    This image is better ! Plz help for part (c) (d) & (e)
  4. bamteck

    Maths URGENT HELP Plz

    Plz help me for part (c) (d) & (e)..
  5. bamteck


    Perhaps on Locus & Transformation.
  6. bamteck

    Maths URGENT HELP Plz

    Fnx dude.
  7. bamteck

    Maths URGENT HELP Plz

    Plz Help me for Part (d) & (e) only...
  8. bamteck

    Maths URGENT HELP Plz

    Well I'm just working all past papers ! This gonna help.
  9. bamteck

    Maths URGENT HELP Plz

    Well, I do mathematics, the syllabus D.. For add maths, I do the 4037 ! Are u good in maths also?
  10. bamteck

    Maths URGENT HELP Plz

    Thnx abcde.. I have exams on thursday, n i'm working all the exam papers to achieve a good credit !
  11. bamteck

    Maths URGENT HELP Plz

    Thanks Maths angel, Yea i'm going to try it out. I'll let u know in a while !
  12. bamteck

    Maths URGENT HELP Plz

    For this one, I need only to know the (a) (iii) the shortest distance from C to BD & part (b) The greatest angle of depression.. Plzzzzz
  13. bamteck

    Maths URGENT HELP Plz

    Plz Plz Help ::
  14. bamteck


    80 % :: Distinction '1"
  15. bamteck

    mathematics paper 2 help

    These questions are likely to appear in paper 2..
  16. bamteck

    MATHEMATICS PAPER 1 Discussion

    U can either choose 40 or 80 for the angle of sector !
  17. bamteck

    mathematics paper 2 help

    Re: mathematics paper 2 discussiOn In which paper is that question?
  18. bamteck

    MATHEMATICS PAPER 1 Discussion

    Guyz ;; how did u manage to get the radius 8.5 cm?
  19. bamteck

    MATHEMATICS PAPER 1 Discussion

    @ Heshna ;; It was a parallelogram ! Yea that's the Answer! :) The aggregate "1" means a disntinction [A]
  20. bamteck

    MATHEMATICS PAPER 1 Discussion

    That's because in p1 we are not allow to use calculator ! But I fink if give ur best in p2, u'll get a distinction definitely ! Work as many exam papers as u can ! about 12 papers!