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  1. moni

    Maths, Addmaths and Statistics: Post your doubts here!

    can any 1 give some angle properties of circle..quick revision?
  2. moni

    Maths, Addmaths and Statistics: Post your doubts here!

    http://www.xtremepapers.com/papers/...(Calculator Version) (4024)/4024_w09_qp_1.pdf question 7 please show the method !!
  3. moni

    Maths, Addmaths and Statistics: Post your doubts here!

    http://www.xtremepapers.com/papers/...(Calculator Version) (4024)/4024_w09_qp_1.pdf question 7 first part please show the method !!
  4. moni

    Maths, Addmaths and Statistics: Post your doubts here!

    would u mind explaining? :sick:
  5. moni

    Maths, Addmaths and Statistics: Post your doubts here!

    http://www.xtremepapers.com/papers/CIE/Cambridge%20International%20O%20Level/Mathematics%20D%20(Calculator%20Version)%20(4024)/4024_s11_qp_12.pdf question 22.. dont know angle properties at all :/
  6. moni

    Maths, Addmaths and Statistics: Post your doubts here!

    answer is 6 ? :rolleyes:
  7. moni

    Maths, Addmaths and Statistics: Post your doubts here!

  8. moni

    Maths, Addmaths and Statistics: Post your doubts here!

    ok boss.. any more tips ? ;)
  9. moni

    Maths, Addmaths and Statistics: Post your doubts here!

    12^1/2 ______ 3^3/2 answer is 2/3 but how ? :O
  10. moni

    Computer studies ! Post your doubts here =)

    Dot matrix has little pins that strike a ribbon (much like a regular typewriter) to print a dot of ink onto a page. An ink-jet printer squirts tiny drops of ink directly onto the paper. One advantage of the ink-jet is that it can print in color. (it's also quieter) Read more...
  11. moni

    Computer studies ! Post your doubts here =)

    phaming is a scamming practice in which malicious code is installed on pc or server misdirecting users to fraud websites in phising fraud emails are sent to acquire the username or password
  12. moni

    Computer studies ! Post your doubts here =)

    any guess paper kinda stuff? last minute revision?